User Guide
3Com® 100 Secure Fiber-FX
Network Interface Card
Published December 2001
User guide version 1.0.0
MIC Notice (Republic of Korea only)
About This Guide
This guide describes how to install, configure, and troubleshoot the 3Com 100 Secure
Fiber-FX-97 network interface card (NIC).
This guide is intended for those who install and configure Ethernet NICs. Some familiarity
with Ethernet networks and NICs is assumed.
NOTE: If release notes are shipped with your product and the information there differs
from the information in this guide, follow the instructions in the release notes.
Most user guides and release notes are available in Adobe Acrobat Reader Portable
Document Format (PDF) on the 3Com World Wide Web site:
You can download Acrobat Reader from the EtherCD or from the Adobe Systems
Incorporated Web site:
The following tables list conventions that are used throughout this guide.
Notice Type
Information That
Information note
Describes important features
or instructions
Alerts you to potential loss of data or
potential damage to an application,
system, or device
Alerts you to potential personal injury
About This Guide
Screen displays
This typeface represents information as it appears on the screen.
The word “command” means that you must enter the command exactly as
shown and then press Return or Enter. Commands appear in bold.
To launch the DOS diagnostics program, enter the following command:
a: install
The words “enter”
and “type”
When you see the word “enter” in this guide, you must type something,
and then press Return or Enter. Do not press Return or Enter when an
instruction simply says “type.”
Words in italics
Italics are used to:
Emphasize a point.
Denote a new term at the place where it is defined in the text.
Identify menu names, menu commands, and software button names.
From the Help menu, select Contents.
Click OK.
This chapter describes the following 3Com 100 Mbps PCI network interface card (NIC)
model from the 3CR990-FX-97 NIC family.
Product Name/Description
Model Number
3Com 100 Secure Fiber-FX
Network Interface Card
Client NIC for 3DES (168-bit) and
DES (56-bit) encryption
The 3Com 100 Secure Fiber-FX (3CR990-FX-97) NIC connects your PCI-compliant
computer to a 100 Mbps Ethernet network. It provides advanced features for high
performance and secure transactions. High performance is achieved through an onboard
RISC processor; secure transactions are achieved through data encryption.
Onboard 3XP Processor
The 3CR990-FX-97 NIC represents a new generation of secure, intelligent NICs with
an onboard RISC processor (3XP processor). The 3XP processor is designed to optimize
system and network performance. The NIC off-loads key networking and security tasks
from the host computer CPU (central processing unit) to the 3XP processor, even when
running bandwidth-intensive applications such as voice, video, imaging, and Internet and
intranet applications.
Data Encryption
The 3CR990-FX-97 NIC provides Data Encryption Standard (DES) 56-bit encryption and
3DES (3DES 168-bit) encryption. Encryption processing is handled entirely by the 3XP
processor on the NIC.
The 3XP processor enables true end-to-end network security (IPSec) at the data capacity of
the connected network cable (wire speed), without sacrificing performance.
The 3CR990-FX-97 NIC is shipped with encryption enabled.
3CR990-FX-97 NIC Features
The 3CR990-FX-97 NIC and accompanying software provide features that relieve network
congestion and ensure high performance and maximum bandwidth availability.
The 3CR990-FX-97 NIC provides these features for supported IP and IPX environments:
Supported NIC Feature
Support for Offload Features
Offloads key TCP/IP networking and security tasks from the Windows 2000 and
Windows XP operating systems.
Lets you power on a computer remotely for after-hours administration.
Adds management capabilities by enabling the computer to boot from a network
server, rather than from its local drive. MBA is compliant with the Preboot Execution
Environment (PXE) specification.
Enables managed computers and net computers to report details about themselves and
their peripheral devices across the network to a DMI 2.0-compliant management
Prevents the computer workstation address from being aged-out of switch router tables.
Lets you add a new NIC or remove and replace a NIC without turning off power to the
Prevents the loss of packets by keeping the input buffers of a device from overflowing.
Provides offline diagnostics programs for configuring, testing, and troubleshooting NICs.
3CR990-FX-97 NIC Features
Offload Features
The 3CR990-FX-97 NIC supports Windows 2000 and Windows XP offload features in an
IP environment. The Windows offload features are designed to enhance the operating
system capabilities by off-loading key TCP/IP networking and security tasks from the
operating system:
NIC Offload Features
IPSec Offload
Reduces CPU utilization by allowing the 3XP processor and a crypto chip on the NIC to
perform data encryption operations.
TCP Segmentation Offload
Reduces CPU utilization by allowing the 3XP processor on the NIC to perform segmentation
of TCP packets.
NOTE: Windows 2000 does not allow IPSec offloads and TCP Segmentation offloads for the same session. Though all offload types may
be enabled, TCP Segmentation offloading does not occur during an IPSec session.
IP and TCP Checksum Offload
802.1P Packet Priority Offload
Reduces CPU utilization by allowing the 3XP processor on the NIC to perform the checksum
calculation of TCP/IP and UDP/IP packets.
Reduces CPU utilization by allowing the 3XP processor on the NIC to perform the insertion of
the 802.1Q tag header into the packet.
For more information on enabling and disabling offloads for Windows 2000, see
Remote Wake-Up
Remote Wake-Up provides the ability to remotely power-on a network computer for after-
hours administration. When the PC is in sleep mode (standby state) and receives a wake-
up packet (Magic Packet frame) through the LAN, the NIC turns on the power to the PC.
Remote Wake-Up also requires using a desktop management application that is able to
generate a Magic Packet Remote Wake-Up signal.
If the computer complies with PCI 2.2, Remote Wake-Up is automatically enabled through
the PCI bus.
NOTE: The 3CR990-FX-97 NIC supports only STANDBY state.
Remote Wake-Up Requirements
The following conditions are required to use Remote Wake-Up:
I Management application that supports Remote Wake-Up
I BIOS that supports Remote Wake-Up
I PCI 2.2-compliant bus and a 5-volt standby power supply unit rated at a minimum of
375 milliamperes
If you are unsure whether your computer meets the requirements listed above, refer to
the computer documentation or consult the computer manufacturer.
Remote Wake-Up and Multiple NIC Installations
To use multiple NICs as Remote Wake-Up NICs in the same computer, the computer must
have a power supply that can support multiple Remote Wake-Up devices.
Refer to your computer documentation if you are unsure whether your computer power
supply can accommodate more than one Remote Wake-Up device.
Integrated Boot ROM with Managed PC Boot Agent (MBA)
The Managed PC Boot Agent (MBA) software adds management capabilities to the NIC
by enabling the computer to boot from a network server, rather than from the computer’s
local drive. MBA is compliant with the Preboot Execution Environment (PXE) specification.
This preboot support allows you to use management applications to perform various tasks
remotely. For example, you can:
I Install and configure a new computer that has never been connected to the network.
I Upgrade software.
I Configure or reconfigure multiple systems simultaneously.
I Scan for viruses.
I Back up hard drives and perform disaster recovery tasks.
For information on configuring the MBA to boot from the network, see “Configuring the
For detailed information on the MBA, refer to the 3Com Managed PC Boot Agent User
Guide, located with the MBA software on the 3Com EtherCD.
Desktop Management Interface (DMI) 2.0
Desktop Management Interface (DMI) is a network-management standard that is widely
accepted for managing Intel-based computers.
DMI 2.0 enables managed computers and net computers to report details about
themselves and their peripheral devices across the network to a DMI 2.0-compliant
management application.
The 3Com DMI Agent allows any DMI management application to access information
such as:
I NIC driver location, version, and size
I Packets-sent statistics
I Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) receive errors
A network administrator can then use this type of information to remotely configure and
manage a client or server computer.
The 3Com DMI Agent consists of a DMI browser with the following components:
I DMI service layer
I DMI agent
I GUI installer
I NDIS drivers
For detailed information about the 3Com DMI Agent, refer to the 3Com DMI Agent User
Guide included with the DMI software on the EtherCD. For information about installing
the 3Com DMI Agent and downloading the 3Com DMI Agent User Guide, see
3CR990-FX-97 NIC Features
Remote Control
The 3CR990-FX-97 NIC can also receive commands via Remote Control and Management
Protocol (RMCP). This feature is also specified in the ASF specification and lets network
administrators troubleshoot and resolve system issues across the network. Commands include:
I Power on
I Power off
I Reboot
I Reboot from an alternative device (for example: MBA, CD-ROM, and so forth)
Both monitoring alerts and sending commands are available in the system console
through the 3Com Remote System Alert Manager. This management plug-in is available
for HP OpenView Network Node Manager, Microsoft Systems Management Server, and
Intel LANDesk Client Manager.
The 3CR990-FX-97 NIC can also transmit a workgroup keep-alive packet periodically
while the computer is in a sleep state. This packet prevents the computer workstation
address from being aged-out of switch router tables.
Hot Plug NIC Installation
If your computer supports PCI hot plug specifications, you can add a new 3Com NIC or
remove and replace a 3Com NIC without turning off power to the computer. Hot plug
NIC installation allows you to expand connections without taking the computer out of
service. It makes troubleshooting faster and easier because you do not need to wait for
the computer to reboot.
For instructions on performing a hot plug NIC installation, refer to your computer
Flow Control Features
The 3CR990-FX-97 NIC uses flow control technology to throttle the incoming data packet
stream and prevent the loss of packets. IEEE 803.2x flow control prevents the input buffers
of a device from overflowing. By using pause frames to communicate buffer status between
linked transmitting and receiving devices (transmitters and receivers). A receiver sends a
pause frame to tell a transmitter to stop the transmission of data frames for a specified
period, allowing the receiver’s input port buffers to empty before receiving new packets.
Pause Frames
When a transmitter receives pause frames, it suspends transmission for the specified
period. When the receiver’s input buffers can store packets again, it can either send
another pause frame to tell the transmitter to resume transmission, or wait for transmission
to resume at the end of the specified period.
With asymmetric flow control, only one of two linked devices can receive pause frames.
With symmetric flow control, both linked devices can send and receive pause frames.
Link Negotiation
Related to flow control is the auto negotiation capability, in which linked devices advertise
their flow control capabilities and automatically select the best common mode of
Rare cases (for example, linking to a device that does not support auto-negotiation) may
require that auto-negotiation be disabled on a port, thereby enabling forced link on that
port. When forced link is enabled, linked devices must have matching flow control
capabilities. For example, a port that is set for forced link and reception flow control can
connect successfully only with a port that is set for forced link and transmission flow control.
Offline Diagnostics
The NIC software includes offline diagnostics programs for configuring, testing, and
troubleshooting NICs. The configuration program within the DOS diagnostics program is
used for a PC running DOS or NetWare. The 3Com NIC diagnostics program (3Com NIC
Doctor) is a Windows-based program used for a PC running Windows XP, Windows 2000,
Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me), Windows 98, or Windows 95.
Installing and
Connecting the NIC
This chapter describes how to install the NIC in your PC and connect it to a Fast Ethernet
Before starting the installation procedure, you can gain some familiarity with the directory
structure and various files on the EtherCD supplied with the 3CR990-FX-97 NIC by reading
Installation Overview
Installing the NIC involves your carrying out the following tasks:
I Registering the product
I Installing the NIC in the PC
I Connecting the NIC to the network
I Installing the network driver
Safety Precautions
Observe the following safety precautions.
WARNING: Computers operate with voltages that can be lethal. Before
removing the cover, turn off the computer and unplug it. Disconnect all cables
that are connected to the main system unit. Remove jewelry from your hands
and wrists. Use insulated or nonconductive tools.
CAUTION: The NIC is packed in an antistatic container to protect it during
shipment. Do not touch the components or any metal parts on the NIC, except
for the backplate. To avoid damaging the NIC or the computer, reduce static
electricity on your body by wearing an electrostatic discharge wrist strap
attached to the chassis or by touching an unpainted metal part of the chassis
before unplugging the computer and before handling the NIC.
CAUTION: Install the NIC in a PCI slot that conforms to PCI 2.1 or higher
specifications. Do not attempt to install the NIC in an ISA or EISA slot. Doing so
may damage the NIC and the computer.
WARNING: Make sure the computer power cord is unplugged. Only properly
trained and authorized personnel should perform service. Contact the computer
manufacturer for information about safe service techniques.
Installing and Connecting the NIC
Installation Requirements
The following items are required for hardware and software installation.
I Network Interface Card (NIC) — At least one 3Com 100 Secure Fiber-FX (Model
3CR990-FX-97) NIC (included)
I Processor:
Intel Pentium-class (or later) processor
64 MB RAM recommended
I PCI slot— For each NIC, one bus master slot that conforms to PCI 32-bit
specifications, revision 2.1 or higher
I Drive — CD-ROM
I Cable — Long-wavelength fiber-optic (1300 nm):
50 µ/125 µ multimode fiber
62.5 µ/125 µ multimode fiber
I Software — One 3Com EtherCD with network drivers included as shown below
I Operating system — One of the following; drivers are available on the EtherCD:
Microsoft Windows XP
Microsoft Windows 2000
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, Service Pack 6a
Microsoft Windows 95, 98, Me
Novell NetWare client and server versions 4.x, 5.x, and 6.x with the most recent
patches and updates available from Novell technical support (
NOTE: You can install the NIC base network driver on any Windows PC without
having to also install a specific Microsoft Service Pack; however, 3Com recommends
that you always try to use the most recent Service Pack available from Microsoft
technical support (
You can access the 3Com Corporation World Wide Web site to download network
drivers supporting the following additional operating systems:
Linux 2.4 (Red Hat, TurboLinux, SUSE)
Caldera OpenUnix 8
Solaris (for PC)
I Computer BIOS — Latest version. Consult the computer manufacturer to verify.
Installing Multiple NICs
If you are installing multiple 3CR990-FX-97 NICs in one computer running Windows, see
the instructions in “Installing Multiple NICs” on page 28. If you are installing multiple
3CR990-FX-97 NICs in one computer running NetWare, follow the instructions in
Upgrading Windows 95 to Windows 98
If you are upgrading a computer from Windows 95 to Windows 98 and the computer
already has a 3CR990-FX-97 NIC installed, follow the instructions in the WIN98.TXT file
located in the HELP directory on the EtherCD.
Installing From Diskette
Upgrading Windows 98 to Windows Me
If you are upgrading a computer from Windows 98 to Windows Me and the computer
already has a 3CR990-FX-97 NIC installed, follow the instructions in the WINME.TXT file
located in the HELP directory on the EtherCD.
Updating the Network Driver and NIC Software
If you already have a 3CR990-FX-97 NIC installed and want to update the network driver,
Installing From Diskette
If your computer does not have a CD-ROM drive, use a PC that has a CD-ROM drive and
create installation diskettes from the EtherCD.
NOTE: The installation diskettes allow you to install the network driver and DOS
Diagnostics software only. If you want to install the Windows NIC Diagnostics
program or desktop management software, you must install them from
the EtherCD.
Making a DOS-Bootable Diskette
For installation and configuration procedures that require you to boot from DOS, you
cannot successfully use the MS-DOS prompt from within Windows. Perform a “clean”
boot from DOS or use a DOS boot diskette.
NOTE: If the PC or server is running only DOS and a CD-ROM drive is not installed,
you must install the NIC software using installation diskettes. For more information
To make a DOS-bootable diskette:
1 Insert a blank, formatted diskette in drive A.
2 At the DOS prompt, enter:
sys a:
System files are copied to the diskette.
3 Remove the diskette from drive A and attach a label for future reference.
Creating Installation Diskettes
If you anticipate having to install the driver for the 3CR990-FX-97 NIC without having
access to a CD-ROM drive, you can create a set of installation diskettes beforehand using
a computer that does have a CD-ROM drive. To start, you will need three blank, formatted
floppy diskettes. To create installation diskettes from the EtherCD:
1 Turn on the power to the PC and start Windows.
2 Insert the EtherCD in the CD-ROM drive.
The EtherCD Welcome screen appears.
3 Click NIC Software.
4 Click Installation Utilities.
5 Click Create Installation Diskettes.
The EtherCD Diskette Creation Utility Welcome screen appears.
6 Click Next.
Installing and Connecting the NIC
7 Insert a blank, formatted diskette labeled Disk 1 in the PC, and then click Next.
Files are copied. Disk 1 contains the installation files and driver files for
Windows 2000, Windows NT, and Windows 95/98.
8 Remove the disk and insert the disk labeled Disk 2 when prompted, and then
click OK.
Files are copied. Disk 2 contains the diagnostic and firmware images.
9 Remove the disk and insert the disk labeled Disk 3 when prompted, and then
click OK.
Files are copied. Disk 3 contains the NetWare drivers.
NOTE: For detailed information about the content of the installation diskettes,
refer to the ROADMAP.TXT file contained on Disk 2.
Product Registration
The United States government places registration requirements on using data encryption
products. To obtain customer support for the 3CR990-FX-97 NIC, you are required to
electronically register your NIC product with 3Com.
In addition to enabling customer support for your NIC, registration also entitles you to
receive upgrade information and advance feature information.
NOTE: To be able to register electronically, a Web browser must be installed on your
system. You must also have an active Internet service provider (ISP) connection.
NOTE: The original version of Windows 95 (Build 950) does not automatically
allow you to change your default browser, even if Microsoft Internet Explorer is
not present. If you are running this version of Windows 95 on your PC, access the
following site to register your 3CR990-FX-97 NIC:
To register electronically:
1 Insert the EtherCD (that shipped with this product) in the CD-ROM drive.
The EtherCD Welcome screen appears.
If the Welcome screen does not appear, see Appendix C, "EtherCD Content and
2 Click Register Product, and then Register Online.
3 Follow the prompts as they appear.
Preparing the NIC and the Computer
Preparing the NIC and the Computer
complies with PCI 2.2, Remote Wake-Up is automatically enabled through the PCI bus.
Follow these preparation steps:
1 Verify that cable requirements are met.
The SC port provides a 100 Mbps connection automatically, depending on the speed
of the connected hub or switch.
The following table shows the connector, cable, and maximum network segments for
the 3CR990-FX-97 NIC:
Maximum Network Segment
Long-wavelength fiber-optic
(1300 nm):
50 µ/125 µ multimode fiber
Full-duplex: 2,000 m (6,560 ft)
Half-duplex: 412 m (1,351 ft)
62.5 µ/125 µ multimode fiber
Full-duplex: 2,000 m (6,560 ft)
Half-duplex: 412 m (1,351 ft)
2 Unpack and inspect the NIC for damage.
3 Exit all open applications and user processes.
4 Turn off the power to the computer and attached devices.
5 Unplug the power cables from the power source.
6 Remove the computer cover.
7 Locate an empty, nonshared bus-mastering PCI slot and remove its slot cover. Save
the screw, if there is one.
Do not install the NIC in a shared PCI slot. Avoid any PCI slot next to an ISA slot. This
slot is often shared and does not support bus mastering.
If you do not know how to identify a PCI slot, check the computer documentation or
ask the system administrator.
8 Record the MAC address of the NIC and note the relative position of the intended PCI
The MAC address is the 12-digit hexadecimal number printed on the small bar code
label on the component side of the NIC. This information is helpful when you are
installing the network drivers and connecting the cables to the hub or switch.
The next step is to install the NIC in the computer and connect it to the network.
Installing and Connecting the NIC
Installing and Connecting the NIC
Observe the safety precautions listed in “Safety Precautions” on page 9.
The following instructions apply to installing the NIC in most computers. If these
instructions are not appropriate for your computer, refer to the documentation that
accompanied the computer.
1 With the computer cover removed, select an empty PCI adapter slot and remove the
slot cover, as shown in the illustration.
2 Carefully insert the NIC in the empty PCI slot, as shown in the illustration.
Press firmly to ensure the NIC is fully seated in the slot. Secure the NIC with the slot
cover screw, if you removed one at step 1.
3 Replace the computer cover and plug in the power cord.
Do not turn on the power to the computer.
4 Remove the protective cover from the NIC SC port.
Installing and Connecting the NIC
5 Insert the network cable SC connector into the NIC port, as shown in the next figure.
6 Connect the other end of the network cable to a 100BASE-FX Fast Ethernet hub or
switch that is connected to the network.
7 Turn on the power to the computer.
8 Check the 100 LNK (link) LED.
After you turn on power to the computer and before you install the network driver,
the link LED indicates the following:
On — The NIC is receiving a good link signal from the hub or switch.
Off — No connection exists between the NIC and the hub or switch. See
The next step is to load the network driver that allows your computer to connect to
the network.
Understanding the LEDs
The NIC has two light-emitting diodes (LEDs):
I Link LED (100 LNK) — Indicates whether an active connection exists between the NIC
and the network hub or switch.
I Activity LED (ACT) — Indicates network activity.
Before the LEDs can be used for troubleshooting, the NIC must be connected to the
for driver installation instructions).
100 LNK
Link integrity
Good 100BASE-FX link No link between NIC
between NIC and and network hub or
network hub or switch switch
Port traffic
Networktraffic Heavy network traffic
No traffic
Installing and Connecting the NIC
If the LED indicates a problem, ensure:
I Your network hub or switch and the network cable connected to your NIC comply
I The network hub or switch is powered on.
The next step is to install the software, as described in “Installing Software” on page 16.
NOTE: If you are installing multiple 3Com Secure Fiber-FX NICs in one computer
you are installing multiple 3Com Secure Fiber-FX NICs in one computer running
NOTE: If your site network installation procedures require you to verify that
installed hardware is functional before you install software, run the 3C99XCFG.EXE
DOS diagnostics program before installing the driver. This program is located on the
Installing Software
See the following topics for requirements and instructions on installing software for
various operating systems:
The next step is to install the network driver.
For a list of additional network drivers that are not included on the EtherCD (for example,
Caldera OpenUnix 8, Linux 2.4, Solaris (for PC)) and instructions on how to install them,
go to the 3Com Web site and search for “3CR990” and “drivers.”
Installing NIC Drivers and
Diagnostics For Windows
This chapter explains the following tasks on a computer running Windows XP Professional
Edition, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me),
Windows 98, or Windows 95:
I Install the network driver and NIC software using EtherCD
I Update the network driver or NIC diagnostics program
I Install multiple NICs
To obtain the latest version of a driver:
1 Go to:
2 Click Downloads.
3 Search for “3CR990” and “drivers.” The network driver can be used in both
Microsoft and NetWare network environments.
NOTE: For instructions on using the installation diskettes (which can be created
page 11. For additional information, refer to the text file for your operating system
in the HELP directory on the EtherCD.
Software Installation Requirements
If your site network installation procedures require you to verify that installed hardware is
functional before you install software, you can verify that the installed NIC is functional or
change its configuration settings by running the DOS diagnostics. Use the 3C99XCFG.EXE
If you are installing the software during the installation of the network operating system,
For a list of minimum installation prerequisites, see “Installation Requirements” on page 10.
Getting Help
To display the Help system during the software installation, click Help on any 3Com window.
Installing NIC Drivers and Diagnostics For Windows
Installing the Network Driver Using the EtherCD
To install the network driver using the EtherCD, follow the steps in the section that is
specific to your Windows operating system.
Before Installing the Network Driver
Before installing the network driver, make sure:
I The NIC is installed in the PC and connected to the network. For instructions, see
I You have the Windows installation files from Microsoft (for Windows 95, 98, Me
only). These files may be on a Microsoft CD or diskettes, or they may have been
copied to your hard drive when Windows was installed on your PC.
NOTE: If you encounter problems during the installation, refer to the TROUBLE.TXT
file (located in the HELP directory on the EtherCD) for troubleshooting tips.
Windows XP Professional
This section describes how to install the network driver and NIC software in a PC client or
server running Windows XP Professional.
Installing the Driver
1 Turn the PC power on.
Windows detects the NIC and installs the appropriate device driver.
I If you have already set up networking for your system, then the driver installation
process is complete. Go to the next section, “Verifying the Driver Installation.”
I If you have not yet set up networking for your system, Windows displays the
following message:
New network device installed
Windows has detected the installation of a new networking
device. If you want to set up a network, click here to run
the Network Setup Wizard.
2 If you want to run the Network Setup Wizard, click the indicated area indicated as
“here.” If you do not want to set up networking at this time, click x to close the
The software installation is complete. Next, verify the driver installation to confirm the NIC
is properly installed.
Installing the Network Driver Using the EtherCD
Verifying the Driver Installation
1 Right-click the My Computer icon, and then click Properties.
2 Select the Hardware tab.
3 Click Device Manager.
4 Double-click Network adapters and make sure the name of the 3Com 3CR990-FX-97
NIC appears.
If a red X or a yellow exclamation point (!) appears by the name of the NIC, the
for troubleshooting help.
After you have verified the driver has been installed properly, the next step is to install the
3Com NIC Diagnostics program for Windows operating systems (see “Installing the 3Com
Windows 2000
This section describes how to install the network driver and NIC software in a PC client
running Windows 2000.
Use the following procedure to install the driver for the first time in a computer that is
running Windows 2000. (If you are updating a previous installation, see “Updating the
Installing the Driver
1 Turn on the power to the PC.
2 Start Windows 2000 and log in to the Windows 2000 Administrator account.
The Windows 2000 Found New Hardware Wizard starts. The wizard detects the new
NIC(s) and begins the driver installation. The Welcome to the Found New Hardware
Wizard screen appears.
3 Click Next to continue.
The Install Hardware Device Drivers screen appears.
4 Insert the EtherCD in the CD-ROM drive.
5 Select Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended), and then click Next.
The Locate Driver Files screen appears.
6 Select the CD-ROM drives option, clear any other checked options, and click Next.
The Driver Files Search Results screen appears.
Windows finds the driver on the EtherCD.
7 Click Next to install the driver.
The Hardware Install screen appears. Files are copied. Then the Completing the Found
New Hardware Wizard screen appears, displaying the message “Windows has
finished installing the software for this device.”
8 Click Finish to close the wizard.
If the System Settings Change dialog box appears, requesting that you restart your
computer, click Yes to restart.
The driver installation is complete for Windows 2000. Next, verify the driver installation to
confirm the NIC is properly installed.
Installing NIC Drivers and Diagnostics For Windows
Verifying the Driver Installation
1 Right-click the My Computer icon, and then click Properties.
2 Select the Hardware tab, and then click Device Manager in the middle panel.
3 Double click Network Adapters and make sure the name of the 3Com 10/100 PCI NIC
If a red X or a yellow exclamation point (!) appears by the name of the NIC, the
problem-solving help.
Windows NT 4.0
This section describes how to install the network driver and NIC software in a PC client or
server running Windows NT 4.0
CAUTION: Your computer must have the latest version of the Windows NT 4.0
service pack installed before you can install the 3Com network driver. You can
download the latest service pack from the Microsoft Web site.
Installing the Driver
1 Turn on the power to the PC and start Windows NT.
2 Log in to the Windows NT Administrator account.
3 Insert the EtherCD in the CD-ROM drive.
4 Right-click the Network Neighborhood icon.
5 Select Properties on the pop-up menu.
The Network window appears.
6 Click the Adapters tab.
If networking has not been installed on your PC before, Windows NT asks you if you want
to install networking. Click Yes. Refer to the WINNT.TXT file located on the EtherCD or
your Windows NT documentation for instructions.
7 Click Add.
The Select Network Adapter dialog box appears.
8 Click Have Disk.
The Insert Disk dialog box appears.
9 Make sure the correct path to your CD-ROM drive appears in the entry box,
for example:
10 Click OK.
Files are copied. The Network screen appears with the 3Com NIC name listed in the
Network Adapters list box.
Installing the Network Driver Using the EtherCD
11 Click Close.
If the Microsoft TCP/IP Properties screen appears, enter the requested information for
your network environment. Refer to your system administrator or the Windows NT
documentation for assistance. After entering the appropriate TCP/IP information and
clicking OK, the Network Settings Change window appears.
If the Microsoft TCP/IP Properties screen does not appear, the installation is complete.
The Network Settings Change window appears.
12 Click Yes to restart the PC.
The network driver installation is complete. Next, verify the driver installation to
confirm the NIC is properly installed.
Verifying the Driver Installation
1 Double-click the My Computer icon.
The My Computer screen appears.
2 Double-click the Control Panel icon.
The Control Panel screen appears.
3 Double-click the Network icon.
The Network screen appears.
4 Select the Adapters tab.
5 Make sure the name of the NIC appears in the list of network adapters.
If the name of the NIC does not appear in the list of network adapters, the installation
troubleshooting help.
6 Click OK to close the Network screen. Close the Control Panel screen and the My
computer screen.
You can also use the following alternative method to verify successful NIC installation:
1 In the Windows task bar, click Start, Programs, Administrative Tools, and then
Windows NT Diagnostics.
The Windows NT Diagnostics screen appears.
2 Select the Resources tab.
If ELPPx appears in the displayed list in the Device column, the driver is successfully
If ELPPx does not appear in the displayed list in the Device column, the installation
troubleshooting help.
After you have verified the driver has been installed properly, the next step is to install the
3Com NIC Diagnostics program for Windows operating systems (see “Installing the 3Com
Installing NIC Drivers and Diagnostics For Windows
Windows Me
This section describes how to install the network driver and NIC software in a PC client or
server running Windows Me.
Installing the Driver
1 Turn the PC power on.
Windows detects the NIC. The Add New Hardware Wizard starts and displays the
following message:
Windows has found the following new hardware:
PCI Ethernet Controller
Windows can automatically search for and install software
that supports your hardware. If your hardware came with
installation media, insert it now and click Next.
The Add New Hardware Wizard screen also prompts you to select one of two options.
What would you like to do?
_ Automatic search for a better driver (Recommended)
_ Specify the location of the driver (Advanced)
2 Select the Automatic search for a better driver (Recommended) option.
3 Insert the EtherCD in the CD-ROM drive, and then click Next.
Files are copied. Windows finds the driver file for the NIC and displays the following
3Com 100 Secure Fiber-FX NIC (3CR990-FX-97)
Windows has finished installing the new hardware device.
4 Click Finish.
The Systems Settings Change screen appears, prompting you to restart your computer.
5 Click Yes to restart your computer.
NOTE: You must restart your computer to complete the installation.
The software installation is complete. Next, verify the driver installation to confirm the NIC
is properly installed.
Verifying the Driver Installation
1 Right-click the My Computer icon, and then click Properties.
2 Select the Device Manager tab.
3 Double-click Network adapters and make sure the name of the 3Com 3CR990-FX-97
NIC appears.
If a red X or a yellow exclamation point (!) appears by the name of the NIC, the
for troubleshooting help.
After you have verified the driver has been installed properly, the next step is to install the
3Com NIC Diagnostics program for Windows operating systems (see “Installing the 3Com
Installing the Network Driver Using the EtherCD
Windows 98
This section describes how to install the network driver and NIC software in a PC client or
server running Windows 98.
Installing the Driver
1 Turn the PC power on.
Windows detects the NIC. The Add New Hardware Wizard starts.
2 Click Next.
The Add New Hardware Wizard screen prompts you to select an option.
3 Select the Search for the best driver for your device (Recommended) option, and then
click Next.
The Add New Hardware Wizard screen prompts you for the driver location.
4 Select the CD-ROM drive option and clear any other check options that are selected.
5 Insert the EtherCD in the CD-ROM drive, and then click Next.
Windows finds the driver file for the device.
6 Click Next.
Files are copied.
The Insert Disk screen appears, prompting you for the Windows 98 CD.
7 Click OK.
The Copying Files dialog box appears.
8 Remove the EtherCD from the CD-ROM drive, insert the Windows 98 CD, enter the
path to the CD-ROM drive, and click OK.
The Add New Hardware Wizard displays a message informing you that Windows has
finished installing the software.
9 Click Finish.
The Systems Settings Change screen appears, prompting you to restart your computer.
10 Click Yes to restart your computer.
NOTE: You must restart your computer to complete the installation.
The software installation is complete. Next, verify the driver installation to confirm the NIC
is properly installed.
Verifying the Driver Installation
1 Right-click the My Computer icon, and then click Properties.
2 Select the Device Manager tab.
3 Double-click Network adapters and make sure the name of the 3CR990-FX-97 NIC
If a red X or a yellow exclamation point (!) appears by the name of the NIC, the
for troubleshooting help.
After you have verified that the driver has been installed properly, the next step is to install
the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program for Windows operating systems (see “Installing the
Installing NIC Drivers and Diagnostics For Windows
Windows 95
This section describes how to install the network driver and NIC software in a PC client or
server running Windows 95.
CAUTION: Do not install a 3CR990-FX-97 NIC while installing Windows 95 OSR2
using the “Custom” option. Install Windows 95 OSR2 first, then install the
3CR990-FX-97 NIC.
Before installing the NIC software:
I Make sure the NIC is installed in the PC and connected to the network.
I Make sure you have the Windows 95 installation files. These files may be on a CD or
diskettes, or they may have been copied to your hard disk when Windows 95 was
installed on your PC.
NOTE: If you encounter problems during the installation, refer to the W95NDIS.TXT
and TROUBLE.TXT files (located in the HELP directory on the EtherCD) for
troubleshooting tips.
Installing the Driver
To begin the driver installation, turn the PC power on. Windows detects the NIC and
depending on the version of Windows 95 that you have installed, either the New
New Hardware Found If the New Hardware Found screen appears, follow this
procedure to install the NIC driver:
1 Select the Driver from disk provided by hardware manufacturer option, and then
click OK.
The Install From Disk screen appears.
2 Insert the EtherCD in the CD-ROM drive, enter the path to the CD-ROM drive, and
click OK.
If networking has already been installed on your PC, go to step 4.
If this is the first time networking is being installed on your PC, the Identification
tab of the Network screen appears. Go to step 3.
3 In the specified fields of the Identification tab screen, enter the following information,
and then click Close.
Computer Name—Identifies the PC on the network for other users. This entry must
be a unique name of 15 characters or fewer, containing no spaces.
Workgroup—Identifies the group (for example, your department name) to which
your PC belongs. If your computer is connected to a peer-to-peer network, this
entry must be exactly the same for all the PCs in your network.
Computer Description—Displays additional details to other users on the network
about this PC. For example, you could specify that the PC is connected to a printer.
Filling in this field is optional.
4 The Insert Disk screen appears, prompting you for the Windows 95 CD. Click OK.
The Copying Files screen appears.
Installing the Network Driver Using the EtherCD
5 Do either of the following:
If the Windows 95 files were not copied to your hard drive, remove the EtherCD
from the CD-ROM drive, insert the Windows 95 CD, enter the path to the CD-ROM
drive, and then click OK.
If the Windows 95 files were copied to your hard drive, enter the path to the
directory containing these files, and then click OK.
Files are copied. The Systems Settings Change screen appears, prompting you to
restart your computer.
6 Click Yes.
NOTE: You must restart your computer to complete the installation.
The software installation is complete. Next, verify the driver installation to confirm the NIC is
NOTE: After Windows restarts, double-click the Network icon in the Control Panel
and make sure the configuration settings are properly set for your network
environment. Consult your system manager for assistance.
Update Device Driver Wizard If the Update Device Driver Wizard starts, follow this
procedure to install the NIC driver:
1 Insert the EtherCD in the CD-ROM drive, and then click Next.
Windows finds the driver.
2 Click Finish.
If networking has already been installed on your PC, go to step 4.
If this is the first time networking is being installed on your PC, the Identification
tab of the Network screen appears. Go to step 3.
3 In the specified fields of the Identification tab screen, enter the following information,
and then click Close.
Computer Name—Identifies the PC on the network for other users. This entry
must be a unique name of 15 characters or fewer, containing no spaces.
Workgroup—Identifies the group (for example, your department name) to which
your PC belongs. If your computer is connected to a peer-to-peer network, this
entry must be exactly the same for all the PCs in your network.
Computer Description—Displays additional details to other users on the network
about this PC. For example, you could specify that the PC is connected to a printer.
Filling in this field is optional.
4 The Insert Disk screen appears, prompting you for the EtherCD. Click OK.
The Copying Files screen appears.
5 Enter the path to the CD-ROM drive, and then click OK.
Files are copied. The Insert Disk screen appears, prompting you for the
Windows 95 CD.
6 Click OK.
The Copying Files screen appears.
Installing NIC Drivers and Diagnostics For Windows
7 Do either of the following:
If the Windows 95 files were not copied to your hard drive, remove the EtherCD
from the CD-ROM drive, insert the Windows 95 CD, enter the path to the CD-ROM
drive, and then click OK.
If the Windows 95 files were copied to your hard drive, enter the path to the
directory containing these files, and then click OK.
Files are copied. The Systems Settings Change screen appears, prompting you to
restart your computer.
8 Click Yes.
NOTE: After Windows restarts, double-click the Network icon in the Control Panel
and make sure the configuration settings are properly set for your network
environment. Consult your system manager for assistance.
The software installation is complete. Next, verify the driver installation to confirm the NIC
is properly installed.
Verifying the Driver Installation
1 Right-click the My Computer icon, and then click Properties.
2 Select the Device Manager tab.
3 Double-click Network adapters and make sure the name of the 3CR990-FX-97 NIC
If a red X or a yellow exclamation point (!) appears by the name of the NIC, the
for troubleshooting help.
After you have verified the driver has been installed properly, the next step is to install the
3Com NIC Diagnostics program for Windows operating systems (see the next section,
Installing the 3Com NIC Diagnostics Program
This section describes how to install the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program after you have
already installed the network driver. This program is for PCs running Windows 2000,
Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP Professional Edition, and Windows 98, 95, or Me.
NOTE: If you manually install the network driver by selecting options on the
EtherCD Welcome Screen, you have the option of installing the network driver
with or without the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program. If you have already installed
the network driver together with the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program for
Windows, you can ignore this section. You are ready to configure the NIC as
The 3Com NIC Diagnostics program allows you to run tests that determine the status of
your network and the NIC. It also allows you to configure the NIC, view network statistics
and LEDs, and access support databases.
NOTE: When you install the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program, the network driver is
automatically updated to the latest version on the EtherCD.
Starting the 3Com NIC Diagnostics Program
To install the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program:
1 Turn on the power to the PC and start Windows.
2 Insert the EtherCD in the CD-ROM drive.
The EtherCD Welcome screen appears.
NOTE: If the EtherCD Welcome screen does not appear, auto insert is probably not
3 Click NIC Software.
4 Click NIC Drivers and Diagnostics.
5 Click Update NIC Driver.
6 Click Update Drivers and Diagnostic Program.
The Update screen appears, displaying a message indicating the 3Com NIC Update
Kit has successfully updated the network software, and informing you that you must
restart your PC.
NOTE: If the Update screen does not appear automatically, click the Update
button displayed at the bottom of the window.
7 Click OK to return to the Update NIC drivers screen.
8 Restart Windows if prompted to do so.
The installation is complete. You are ready to configure the NIC as described in
Starting the 3Com NIC Diagnostics Program
To start the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program:
1 Open the Windows Start menu.
2 Select Programs, and then 3Com NIC Utilities.
3 Click 3Com NIC Doctor.
The 3Com NIC Diagnostic screen appears. For instructions on using the program, see
Alternatively, you can also start the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program using the following
procedure if the 3Com NIC Diagnostics icon is displayed on the right side of the Windows
task bar:
1 Double-click the 3Com NIC Diagnostics icon.
The 3Com NIC Diagnostic screen appears. For instructions on using the program, see
Installing NIC Drivers and Diagnostics For Windows
Updating the Network Driver and NIC Software
To obtain the latest version of a driver:
1 Go to:
2 Click Downloads.
3 Search for “3CR990” and “drivers.” The network driver can be used in both
Microsoft and NetWare network environments.
To update the network driver and NIC diagnostic software:
1 Turn on the power to the PC and start Windows.
2 Insert the EtherCD (or disk 1 downloaded from the Web or created from the EtherCD)
in the appropriate drive in the PC.
The EtherCD Welcome screen appears.
3 Click NIC Software.
4 Click NIC Drivers and Diagnostics.
5 Click Update NIC Driver.
6 To update the network driver and NIC diagnostics software, click Update Drivers and
Diagnostics Program.
To update the network driver and remove the NIC diagnostics software, click Update
Drivers and remove Diagnostics Program.
The Update screen appears, displaying a message indicating the 3Com NIC Update
Kit has successfully updated the network software, and informing you that you must
restart your PC.
7 Click OK to return to the Update NIC drivers screen, and then exit the EtherCD.
8 Restart Windows.
The installation is complete.
Installing Multiple NICs
This section describes how to install multiple 3Com 100 Secure Fiber-FX NICs in a
computer running Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Me, Windows 98 or 95, or
Windows NT 4.0.
NOTE: You must use these procedures to install multiple NICs. Failure to follow these
procedures may lead to problems requiring you to reinstall your operating system.
Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Me, Windows 98 and 95
To install multiple NICs in a PC running Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Me,
Windows 98, or Windows 95, install and configure each NIC individually, following these
1 Install the first NIC in your PC and connect it to the network, as described in
CAUTION: Do not physically install the second NIC in your PC until you
complete the driver installation for the first NIC, following steps 1 through 6.
2 Turn on the power to the PC and start Windows.
Installing Multiple NICs
3 Insert the EtherCD when prompted, and then click OK.
4 Follow the prompts on the screen to install the network driver.
5 After the network driver is installed, restart the PC.
6 After the PC restarts, exit Windows and turn the power off. Make sure the PC
is unplugged.
7 Install the second NIC in your PC and connect it to the network.
8 Plug in the PC power cord, turn on the power, and then start Windows.
Windows detects the second NIC. The second NIC uses the same network driver as
the first NIC. You are not prompted for the EtherCD.
When Windows starts, the second NIC appears under Network adapters in the
Device Manager.
Windows NT 4.0
To install multiple NICs in a PC running Windows NT 4.0:
1 Install the first NIC in your PC and connect it to the network, as described earlier in
this guide.
2 Turn on the power to the PC and start Windows NT.
3 Double-click the My Computer icon, then the Control Panel icon, and then the
Network icon.
The Network screen appears.
4 Select the Adapters tab.
5 Click Add.
The Select Network Adapter screen appears.
6 Click Have Disk.
7 Insert the EtherCD.
8 Make sure d:\ appears in the entry box (where d:\ represents the letter name of the
CD-ROM drive), and then click OK.
The Select OEM Option screen appears with the name of one of the NICs selected.
Only one NIC appears on this screen.
9 Click OK.
Files are copied. The Network screen appears with the name of the first installed NIC.
10 Close the Network screen.
If you are prompted for network information, enter the requested information.
11 Turn off the PC and install the next NIC (if any).
12 Restart the PC.
Installing NIC Drivers and Diagnostics For Windows
NOTE: You are not prompted for the EtherCD when you install the network driver
for the second NIC.
Using Windows Offload Features
This chapter provides instructions for enabling offloads in a Windows 2000 environment.
It also describes configuring IPSec offloads in a Windows 2000 environment.
The 3CR990-FX-97 NIC supports offload features for Windows 2000 and Windows XP in
an IP environment. The offload features are designed to enhance the Windows operating
system capabilities by off-loading key TCP/IP networking and security tasks from the
operating system:
NIC Offload Features
IPSec Offload
Reduces CPU utilization by allowing the 3XP processor and a crypto chip on the NIC to
perform data encryption operations.
TCP Segmentation Offload
Reduces CPU utilization by allowing the 3XP processor on the NIC to perform segmentation
of TCP packets.
NOTE: Windows 2000 does not allow IPSec offloads and TCP Segmentation offloads for the same session. Though all offload types may
be enabled, TCP Segmentation offloading does not occur during an IPSec session.
IP and TCP Checksum Offload
802.1P Packet Priority Offload
Reduces CPU utilization by allowing the 3XP processor on the NIC to perform the checksum
calculation of TCP/IP and UDP/IP packets.
Reduces CPU utilization by allowing the 3XP processor on the NIC to perform the insertion of
the 802.1Q tag header into the packet.
For more information on enabling and disabling offloads for Windows 2000, see
Enabling Offloads
Windows 2000 provides the capability to individually enable or disable each of the four
offload features. (The default setting for these features is enabled.)
To enable or disable individual offload settings in Windows 2000:
1 Right-click the My Network Places desktop icon and select Properties.
The Network and Dial-up Connections screen appears.
2 Right-click the Local Area Connection icon and select Properties.
The Local Area Connection Properties screen appears.
3 Click Configure.
The 3Com NIC screen appears.
4 Click the Advanced tab.
5 Select Enable Offloads in the Property list box.
6 Select the appropriate value in the Value entry box (shown in the following table) for
the desired offload state.
7 Close all open windows.
Using Windows Offload Features
The following table describes values for the offload functions:
Offload Function Enabled
No offloads
All Offloads Disabled
TCP Checksum
TCP Checksum and IPSec
TCP Checksum and TCP Segmentation
TCP Checksum and TCP Segmentation and IPSec
TCP Segmentation
TCP Segmentation and IPSec
Configuring Offloads for a Group of Different NICs
Your computer may contain a combination of installed NICs (including one or more 3Com
3CR990-FX-97 NICs with varying offload capabilities. If you have a mix of dissimilar NICs
configured in a group, then 3Com DynamicAccess Advanced Server software supports
only those offload functions that are supported by all the NICs in the group.
For example, if you have created a group consisting of a 3CR990-FX-97 NIC and another
NIC that does not have any offload capabilities, then the group does not support any
In another example, if you have a group of three NICs with two supporting TCP
Checksum, TCP Segmentation, and IPSec offloads, and one supporting only IPSec, then
the group supports only IPSec offloads.
If you add a NIC to an existing group, and that NIC has offload capabilities that differ from
those of the group, then you must reconfigure the group: that is, you must delete the
group, recreate the group, and restart the computer. (If you do not delete and recreate the
group, the Advanced Server software does not bind to the NIC.)
Similarly, if you replace a NIC that has been configured as part of a group with another
NIC that has different offload capabilities, then you must reconfigure the group.
In addition, if you disable or enable any offloads for a group through the Windows 2000
Advanced tab, then you must reconfigure the group.
Configuring IPSec Offloads
The 3CR990-FX-97 NIC performs data-encryption-processing offloads in Windows 2000
and Windows XP environments. The 3CR990-FX-97 NIC does not actually encrypt the
data: the operating system performs that function.
Encryption processing is handled entirely by the 3XP processor on the NIC. The 3XP
processor enables true end-to-end network security at the data capacity of the connected
network cable without sacrificing performance.
Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) is a framework of open standards for ensuring secure
private communications over IP networks. IPSec ensures confidentiality, integrity, access
control, and authenticity of data communications across a public IP network.
Configuring IPSec Offloads
Offloading Encryption Processing
You can configure any two (or more) computers running Windows 2000 or Windows XP
to perform IPSec encryption by changing the Local Security Setting in the operating
system. With most non-3CR990-FX-97 NICs, all the IPSec processing is done by the host
central processing unit (CPU), which significantly diminishes CPU performance. The
3CR990-FX-97 NIC can offload all the encryption processing from the host CPU, thereby
freeing the CPU to work on other tasks. The data-encryption offload capability of the
3CR990-FX-97 NIC is enabled at the factory.
For any two or more computers running operating systems other than Windows 2000 or
Windows XP (that is, Windows 95/98/Me/NT), IPSec encryption is provided by third-party
applications. The 3CR990-FX-97 NIC does not provide IPSec encryption offloading for
those operating systems.
Auto-Selecting Basic or Strong Encryption Processing
The 3CR990-FX-97 NIC provides Data Encryption Standard (DES) 56-bit basic encryption
processing and 3DES (3DES 168-bit) strong encryption processing. DES and 3DES are IPSec
bulk encryption algorithms for coding data. DES encrypts 64-bit data blocks using a 56-bit
key. DES can be applied in several modes. 3DES (Triple DES) achieves a higher level of
security by encrypting the data three times using DES with three different, unrelated keys.
3DES is also known as 168-bit data encryption.
There is no need to configure the 3CR990-FX-97 NIC to establish a particular encryption
setting: the NIC auto-selects the strongest encryption setting based on the data
encryption setting of the partner (receiving or sending) node. If the partner node has a
3DES encryption setting, the NIC automatically processes data encryption using the 3DES
standard; if the partner node has a DES encryption setting, the NIC automatically
processes data encryption using the DES standard; if the partner node has no encryption
setting, the NIC automatically processes data in unencrypted form.
Configuring IPSec for Windows 2000
The 3CR990-FX-97 NIC accelerates IP security (IPSec) data encryption from supported
operating systems that provide this offload capability. This feature is currently available in
the Windows 2000 and Windows XP operating systems.
IPSec primarily consists of two parts:
I encryption/decryption
I authentication
To send or receive encrypted data in a PC running Windows 2000 with a
3CR990-FX-97 NIC installed, you must first create a security policy, and then enable
encryption on the NIC. The security policy establishes and defines how encrypted network
traffic between your PC and a specified server occurs.
Authentication enables the receiver to verify the sender of a packet by adding key fields to
a packet without altering the packet data content.
Using Windows Offload Features
The following table shows the available levels of encryption:
Authentication only
Authentication and encryption
Provides encryption and an extra authentication that includes the
IP header.
Custom allows you to select options for both AH and ESP, such as
MD%/SHA-1 and DES/3DES. And you can select the rate at which
new keys are negotiated.
Microsoft uses IKE key exchange to renew keys every x seconds or y
bytes. However, this practice is computationally very high in
overhead. Some users may set these values low and have frequent
key updates. Users more concerned with performance will set these
values higher.
For more information, refer to the Microsoft documentation about
creating IPSec flows.
Creating a Security Policy
The process you use to create and enable a security policy depends on your network
environment requirements. The following is an example of one approach to creating a
security policy.
NOTE: You must complete all of the sequences in this section to establish and enable
a security policy for transmitting and receiving encrypted data over the network.
Defining the Console This sequence establishes the Console and defines its
To define the Console:
1 In the Windows taskbar, click Start, Programs, Accessories, and then
Command Prompt.
2 At the DOS prompt, enter:
The Console1 screen appears.
3 In the menu, click Console and then Add/Remove Snap-in.
The Add/Remove Snap-in screen appears.
4 Click Add.
The Add Standalone Snap-in screen appears.
5 Select IP Security Policy Management, and then click Add.
The Select which computer this Snap-in will manage screen appears.
6 Enable the Local computer option.
7 Click Finish, Close, and then OK.
Configuring IPSec Offloads
Creating the Policy This sequence creates and names the new security policy.
The Console1 and Console Root screen appears with IP Security Policies on Local Machine
displayed in the list.
1 In the left pane, click IP Security Policies on Local Machine.
2 Right-click inside the right pane below the list items.
3 From the pop-up menu, select Create IP Security Policy.
The IP Security Policy Wizard Starts.
4 Click Next.
The IP Security Policy Name screen appears.
5 Enter a name for the new security policy you are creating. You can enter a description
to help you identify this policy.
6 Click Next.
The Requests for Secure Communication screen appears.
7 Clear the Activate the default response rule check box.
8 Click Next and then Finish.
A screen appears with the name of the new security policy in the title bar.
9 Click Add.
The Security Rule Wizard starts.
10 Click Next.
The Tunnel Endpoint screen appears.
11 Enable the default option This rule does not specify a tunnel, and then click Next.
The Network Type screen appears.
12 Enable the default option All network connections, and then click Next.
The Authentication Methods screen appears.
13 Enable the Use this string to protect the key exchange (preshared key): option, type
the appropriate string text in the entry field, and then click Next.
Creating a Filter This sequence creates a filter for the policy.
The IP Filter List screen appears.
1 Click Add.
A new IP Filter List screen appears.
2 Enter a name for the filter, and then click Add.
The IP Filter Wizard starts.
3 Click Next.
The IP Traffic Source screen appears.
4 Click Next.
The IP Traffic Destination screen appears.
5 Select A Specific IP Address in the pull-down list.
The IP Address entry box appears on the IP Traffic Destination screen.
6 Enter a destination IP address, and then click Next.
The IP Protocol Type screen appears.
Using Windows Offload Features
7 Accept the default, and then click Next.
8 Click Finish to close the IP Filter Wizard.
9 Click Close to close the IP Filter List screen.
Binding the Filter This sequence attaches the new filter to the policy.
The IP Filter List screen appears.
1 Enable the option for the new filter name and make sure the new filter name
is selected.
2 Click Next.
Creating the Filter Action This sequence defines how the filter acts on the policy.
The Filter Action screen appears.
1 Click Add.
The Filter Action Wizard starts.
2 Click Next.
The Filter Action Name screen appears.
3 Enter a name (for example: 3DES to the Server), and then click Next.
The Filter Action General Options screen appears.
4 Accept the default, and then click Next.
A screen appears labeled: Communicating with computers that do not support IPsec.
5 Accept the default value, and then click Next.
The IP Traffic Security screen appears.
6 Select Custom, and then click Settings.
The Custom Security Method Settings screen appears.
7 Enable the Data integrity and encryption (ESP): check box, and then make the
appropriate selections in the Integrity and algorithms list boxes.
8 Click OK, Next, and then Finish.
Binding the Filter Action This sequence attaches the new filter action to the filter
and policy.
The Filter Action screen appears.
1 Enable the filter action option and make sure the filter name is selected. (In this
example, we used the filter name: 3DES to the Server.)
2 Click Next, Finish, and then Close.
The newly created policy appears in the right pane of the Console Root\IP Security
Policies on Local Machine screen.
3 Exit this screen and, when prompted, save the new policy information. Use a
meaningful name for future reference.
You can modify this security policy by double-clicking the icon that is created when you
save the policy in the previous step.
Configuring IPSec Offloads
Enabling Encryption An encryption policy must exist in the Console Root\IP Security
Policies on the Local Machine screen before you can enable encryption on the
3CR990-FX-97 NIC.
To enable encryption:
1 Right-click the desired policy icon in the right pane of the screen.
2 Select Assign.
3 A green plus (+) symbol appears on the policy icon to indicate that encryption is
toggled on.
Disabling Encryption An encryption policy must exist in the Console Root\IP Security
Policies on the Local Machine screen, and be enabled, before you can disable encryption
on the 3CR990-FX-97 NIC.
To disable encryption:
1 Right-click the desired policy icon in the right pane of the screen.
2 Select Un-assign.
The absence of a green plus (+) symbol on the policy icon indicates that encryption is
toggled off.
Downloading the High Encryption Pack for Windows 2000
Microsoft Windows 2000 features a built-in VPN client. The Windows 2000 High
Encryption Pack allows you to enhance your system with the highest available encryption
level (168-bit). You can download the High Encryption Pack from the following Microsoft
World Wide Web site:
NOTE: The Windows 2000 High Encryption Pack is eligible for export from the
U.S. to all customers worldwide, except to U.S. embargoed destinations. Please
may exercise separate jurisdiction over the import, export, or use of encryption
products. Users who download this product should observe any local regulations
that may apply to the distribution or use of encryption products.
Installing NetWare Drivers
This chapter describes how to install drivers for Novell NetWare versions 4.x, 5.x and 6.x.
To obtain the latest version of a driver:
1 Go to:
2 Click Downloads.
3 Search for “3CR990” and “drivers.”
Installing and Configuring the NetWare Driver
This section describes how to install the NetWare driver on a Novell server running
NetWare 4.x, 5.x, or 6.x. The NWSERVER directory contains the network driver file
(3C99X.LAN). Additional files (NetWare Loadable Modules [NLMs]) required for NetWare
are on the EtherCD in the NWSERVER directory, or they can be obtained from Novell.
Using the Latest Support Packs
The 3CR990-FX-97 NIC does not support NetWare 3.x or 4.0x. The 3CR990-FX-97 NIC
does not support NetWare 4.11 servers that are not updated to the latest Novell
Support Pack.
CAUTION: If you plan to form load balancing/failover groups using NetWare, do
not enable TCP/IP checksum offload for the 3CR990-FX-97 NIC driver.
Use the following support packs to achieve best results with the network driver.
NetWare Version
Required Support Pack
Support Pack 6 or later for all types of operation.
Support Pack 7 or higher is required for proper operation of
the failover mechanism for the 3CR990-FX-97 NIC.
Support Pack 2a or later.
Latest support pack.
NOTE: The required support pack must be loaded before you install the driver for
the 3CR990-FX-97 NIC.
You can obtain the latest support packs from the Novell Web site:
Installing NetWare Drivers
Obtaining NetWare Loadable Modules
You can obtain current NLMs for the NetWare versions listed in the table below from the
NWSERVER directory on the EtherCD, or from the Novell Web site:
NetWare Version
NLM Name
NetWare 4.x, 5.x, 6.x
NOTE: To upgrade the NetWare driver, you must create installation diskettes from
the EtherCD that accompanied this product. Use these diskettes to install the
Netware driver. See “Creating Installation Diskettes” on page 11.
NetWare Driver Installation Requirements
Before you install software, verify that the installed NICs are functional or change their
configuration settings by running DOS diagnostics. Use the 3C99XCFG.EXE program
located on the EtherCD.
The instructions in this section describe how to set up a sample server configuration.
Setting up your own configuration may require a slightly different sequence of tasks and
different numbers of NICs.
If you are installing the software during the installation of the network operating system,
For a list of additional installation requirements, see “Installation Requirements” on
Netware Packet Receive Buffers
Follow these installation guidelines for packet receive buffers:
I The driver requires 200 packet receive buffers for each installed NIC.
I You must increase the minimum and maximum packet receive buffers values by 200
for each installed NIC.
For example, if you install two NICs, increase the parameters in the STARTUP.NCF file
by 400 as follows:
Before installing NICs
After installing two NICs
Installing and Configuring the NetWare Driver
Slot Numbers for Multiple NICs
If you are installing more than one NIC on a server, you must know which NIC corresponds
to a given PCI slot to connect a cable from the NIC to the appropriate port on the hub or
switch. You can correlate slots with physical NICs by the NIC MAC addresses. (The MAC
address is written on a bar code label on the top component side of the NIC.)
Obtaining Slot Numbers
The NetWare driver installation program requires you to enter a PCI slot number for each
NIC. In older versions of NetWare software, the term slot number referred to the physical
slot in which the NIC was installed in the server. Now, the slot number is a combination of
the bus number, bus type, and physical slot number. The value of a slot number can be
10001 or larger.
Follow this procedure to obtain slot numbers for a multi-NIC installation:
2 Follow the installation instructions in this chapter to load the EtherCD, copy the driver,
and load the driver.
3 In the NetWare Console, issue a CONFIG command.
4 Record the slot number listed for the installed NIC.
5 Install the second 3CR990-FX-97 NIC.
6 Follow the installation instructions in this chapter to install the driver on the second NIC.
Each time you load the driver, the CONFIG command displays the slot numbers for all
the 3CR990-FX-97 NICs in the system.
Installing the NetWare Driver
To install the NetWare driver:
1 Copy the MSM.NLM, ETHERTSM.NLM, and NBINLM files from the \NWSERVER
directory on the EtherCD to the directory on your hard drive where other NLM files
are located; or use the latest service pack from Novell.
NOTE: Copy the NLM files only if the versions existing on the server are older than
the versions supplied on the EtherCD.
The NLM file location is typically in the SYS:SYSTEM directory. You need a NetWare
client system to copy the NLM files to the server.
2 Copy the LAN driver file (3C99X.LAN) from the EtherCD to the same directory.
3 Add the following two lines to the AUTOEXEC.NCF file:
load sys:\system\3c99x.lan slot=<slot> NAME=<name>
bind ipx to <name> net=<number>
NOTE: If you copy the NLM files to a different directory, you must specify the path
in the preceding LOAD statement.
4 Save and exit the file, and then reboot the server.
Installing NetWare Drivers
Installing the NetWare Driver Using INETCFG
To install the NetWare driver:
1 Copy the MSM.NLM, ETHERTSM.NLM, and NBI.NLM files from the NWSERVER
directory on the EtherCD to the system directory; or use the latest service pack
from Novell.
NOTE: Copy the NLM files only if the versions existing on the server are older
than the versions supplied on the EtherCD.
The NLM file location is typically in the SYS:SYSTEM directory. You need a NetWare
client system to copy the NLM files to the server.
2 Insert installation diskette 2 in drive A.
3 At the server prompt, enter:
load inetcfg
The Internetworking Configuration screen appears.
4 In the displayed menu, select Boards, and then press Enter.
5 Press Insert.
A list of currently installed drivers appears.
6 Press Insert again.
The New Driver dialog box appears.
7 Enter the directory:
An updated list of installed drivers appears.
8 Select 3C99x, and then press Enter.
You are prompted to name the NIC, for example: 3c99x_1.
9 Type the name of the NIC and press Enter.
You are prompted for the slot number. For information on how to verify the slot
10 Enter the slot number, and then press Enter.
11 Press Esc, Enter (to save), and then Esc.
The Internetworking Configuration screen appears.
12 Select Bindings, and then press Enter.
The configured protocols for installed NICs appears. (This list is empty if no protocols
are currently bound to the NIC.)
13 Press Insert.
The Select From the List of Configured Protocols screen appears.
For NetWare 5.x or 6x:
The default To a Network Interface is selected. Press Enter.
The Select a Configured Network Interface screen appears.
Select the board. For example, enter: 3c99x_1, and then press Enter.
14 When prompted, enter the network number, and then press Enter.
15 In the Frame Type field, press Enter to display a list of frames, choose a frame, and
press Enter.
Installing and Configuring the NetWare Driver
16 Press Esc.
You are prompted to save the changes.
17 Press Enter to save the changes.
The configured Protocol to Network Interface Bindings screen appears.
18 Press Esc to Exit.
The Main menu appears.
19 Restart the server.
20 Press Esc to exit from the program.
Installing Multiple NICs
To support more than one NIC in a PC running NetWare, change the AUTOEXEC.NCF file
to the following format:
load 3C99X.LAN slot=<slot1> NAME=<name1> FRAME=<frametype1>
bind ipx to <name1> net=<net1>
load 3C99X.LAN slot=<slot2> NAME=<name2> FRAME=<frametype2>
bind ipx to <name2> net=<net2>
The values <slot1> and <slot2> are the numbers of the PCI slots in which the NICs are
physically installed. To view the numbers of these PCI slots, use the 3Com Configuration
and Diagnostic program for DOS. See “Verifying the PCI Slot Number” below
for instructions.
The values <name1> and <name2> are unique names assigned to each NIC by your
system administrator. The values <name1> and <name 2> must be different.
The frame parameters <frametype1> and <frametype2> can be one of the following:
I Ethernet_802.2
I Ethernet_802.3
I Ethernet_II
I Ethernet_SNAP
Make sure the frame type for the server and the workstation is the same. For example, if
the server uses Ethernet_802.2, the workstation must also use Ethernet_802.2.
The values <net1> and <net2> are unique numbers assigned by the system administrator
to each NIC. Make sure <net1> and <net2> are different numbers.
Refer to the appropriate Novell NetWare manuals for further information.
Verifying the PCI Slot Number
To verify the PCI slot number in which a NIC is installed:
1 Boot the NetWare server with the -na option.
This option prevents the AUTOEXEC.NCF file from loading. For example, enter:
server -na
2 Issue the load command for the NIC LAN driver without a slot parameter.
For example, enter:
load sys:\system\3c99x.lan
Installing NetWare Drivers
3 NetWare lists the valid slot number(s) for the NIC, depending on how many NICs are
installed. The values appearing in the list are the slot values you should use.
After you issue the command, a message appears. At the end of the message,
additional text similar to the following appears:
Total of 2 3C99x PCI adapter card(s) found. Supported slot
values are 2,3.
Verifying the Installation and Configuration
To verify that the driver has been properly loaded on NetWare, perform the following
1 At the system prompt, enter:
load monitor
The NetWare Monitor screen appears.
2 From the Available Options menu, select LAN/WAN Drivers.
The Available LAN Driver menu appears. If the driver has been properly loaded, the
driver and frame types associated with the driver appear on this menu.
3 Select a driver to view its associated statistics.
A functioning driver displays packets being sent and received.
To verify that the server is communicating over the network, complete the following
1 Set up a NetWare client on a LAN supported by the server to be tested.
2 Log in or map to the server.
If you cannot log in or map to the server, the link is not functional.
Changing NetWare Driver Configuration Parameters
Changing NetWare Driver Configuration Parameters
You can change server configuration parameters using the NetWare installation program
Configuration screen. The following table lists the parameters shown on the Configuration
screen. Default values are shown in uppercase text.
Range of Values
Slot Number
All PCI slot numbers valid to
the system
Represents the PCI slot number of the physical NIC to be configured.
Node Address
Default is factory-assigned
MAC address.
Leave blank to use factory-assigned default.
0 (Disable)
NetWare 5.x and 6.x only. Enter the parameter on the load line to enable TCP/IP
checksum offload. The default value is 0 (zero), which means Disable.
1 (Enable)
Do not enable TCP/IP checksum offload if you plan to form load balancing/
failover groups.
0 (None)
1 — The default value, indicating Basic. Monitors levels for the following self-
healing driver conditions: firmware heartbeat, interrupt availability, recoverable
transmit and receive errors (CRC, transmit underruns, receive overruns,
collisions, jabbers).
1 (Basic)
2 (Enhanced)
3 (Basic and Enhanced)
2 — Indicates Enhanced. In this state the NIC monitors DMA stalls and
hardware errors.
0 (Disable)
1 — Enables driver warning and error messages.
The default value is 0 (zero), which means Disable.
1 Enable
3 (100 Mbps HALF duplex)
Sets the media speed at which the NIC communicates with other network
4 (100 Mbps FULL duplex)
The NIC does not support settings 0, 1, or 2. If you enter 0, 1, or 2, the NIC is
forced to connect at 100 Mbps FULL duplex (the default value).
Note: Ensure that the NIC has the same speed and duplexity as the network.
Configuring the NIC
This chapter describes how to configure the 3CR990-FX-97 NIC.
NOTE: Before you change the NIC configuration settings, consult your system
Default NIC Settings
The table below lists the configuration settings for the NIC. The default setting is shown in
uppercase text in the Settings column.
NetBoot ROM
Provides the ability to boot a PC over the network. Enables or disables the Netboot ROM (if a boot
ROM is installed on the NIC).
Determines if the NIC transmits data across the network in both directions simultaneously (full-
duplex) or in one direction at a time (half-duplex).
Full-Duplex sets the NIC to operate in full-duplex mode. To use this setting, the switch that
you are connected to must support full-duplex. You must also manually set the NIC Media
Type setting.
Half-Duplex sets the NIC to operate in half-duplex mode. You must also set the NIC Media
Type setting.
Note: If you are running Windows 2000, changes made to the Duplex setting though the 3Com
NIC Diagnostics are not reflected in the registry unless you also change the Media Select property
setting in Windows 2000:
In the Device Manager window, double-click Network adapters.
Right-click the 3CR990-FX-97 NIC and select Properties.
Select the Advanced tab.
Select Media Select in the property list, and make the appropriate setting change in the
Value list.
Media Type
Self Healing
Determines the type of media your network is using. The Media Type is forced to a value of:
100BASE-FX (100 Mbps)
(100 Mbps)
In BASIC mode, monitors firmware heartbeat and interrupt stalls, and tries to automatically reset
the NIC.
Also monitors link status and reports changes.
In ENHANCED mode, checks for transmit/receive errors and tries to recover.
Specifies threshold levels for transmit/receive errors. An RSL failover or NIC reset occurs when the
threshold is exceeded during the sampling period.
High = 100 of each error category (default setting)
Medium = 50 of each error category
Low = 5 of each error category
Configuring the NIC
Alert Type
Enabled alert types are reported to the Windows System Events monitor. The default setting is
ALL alert types:
- Information
- Warning
- Error
Flow Control
When enabled, the NIC throttles the incoming data packet stream to prevent the input buffers
from overflowing and losing packets.
Configuration Methods
The NIC can be configured using any of the methods listed in the table below.
NOTE: This section describes how to configure the NIC using the 3Com NIC
Diagnostics program for Windows. For instructions on using the other two
methods, see the file or section mentioned in the table.
3Com NIC Diagnostics
program for Windows
Configure the NIC locally using the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program for
Windows XP
Windows 2000
Windows NT 4.0
Windows Me
Windows 98, or
Windows 95
Make sure the 3Com NIC diagnostics program is installed. See “Installing
chapter for usage instructions.
Open the Windows Start menu.
Select Programs, and then 3Com NIC Utilities.
Click 3Com NIC Doctor.
3Com Configuration
and Diagnostics
Configure the NIC locally using the 3Com Configuration and Diagnostics
program for DOS:
DOS or NetWare
program for DOS
Copy 3c99xcfg.exe from the EtherCD to the root directory of a DOS-
bootable diskette.
Reboot the PC using the DOS-bootable diskette.
Enter at the DOS prompt:
Customers running Japanese DOS must switch to U.S. mode DOS before
running this program.
DMI 2.0 or 2.0s
Configure the NIC remotely using the 3Com DMI Agent software.
3Com DMI Agent and a
DMI-compatible browser
or a network
management application
that supports DMI 2.0
or 2.0s
Windows 2000
Advanced Tab
Configure the NIC locally.
Windows 2000
Changing General NIC Configuration Settings
Changing General NIC Configuration Settings
This section describes two NIC configuration methods. Depending on your PC operating
system, you can use one of the following configuration programs:
I 3Com NIC Diagnostics Program—for PCs running Windows XP, Windows 2000,
Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP Professional Edition, Windows Me, Windows 98, or
Windows 95.
I 3Com Configuration and Diagnostics Program for DOS—for PCs running DOS
and NetWare.
Using the 3Com NIC Diagnostics Program
This section describes NIC configuration for PCs running Windows XP, Windows 2000,
Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP Professional Edition, Windows Me, Windows 98, or
Windows 95.
Before you configure the NIC, make sure:
I The NIC is installed in the PC and is connected to the network.
I The network driver is installed.
I The 3Com NIC Diagnostics program is installed.
To change the NIC general configuration settings, such as network driver optimization,
duplex mode, and media type:
1 Open the Windows Start menu.
2 Select Programs, and then 3Com NIC Utilities.
3 Click 3Com NIC Doctor.
The 3Com NIC Diagnostics General screen appears.
NOTE: Click Help to obtain general information about the function of a screen.
To obtain specific information about any topic on a screen, click the question mark
(?) in the upper right corner of the screen, move it over a topic, and click once.
4 If your PC has more than one NIC installed, open the Network Interface Card (NIC) list
box and select the NIC to be configured.
5 Click the Configuration tab.
The Configuration screen appears.
6 Under Network Parameter, select the setting to be changed.
For a description of each setting, click the question mark (?) in the upper right corner
of the screen, move it over a setting, and click once.
7 Open the Set Value list box and select a new value from the list of available options.
Repeat the process to change any other configuration setting.
To undo changes and return the settings to their previous values, click Undo Changes.
To return the settings to the factory default settings, click Set Factory Defaults.
8 Click OK to save the changes and exit the program.
NOTE: For complete instructions on using the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program,
Configuring the NIC
Using the 3Com DOS Configuration Program
This section describes NIC configuration for computers running DOS or NetWare.
To run the DOS diagnostic program:
1 Copy 3c99xcfg.exe from the EtherCD to the root directory of a DOS-bootable diskette.
2 Boot to DOS using the DOS-bootable diskette.
3 Enter the following at the DOS prompt:
where a:\ is the drive containing the DOS-bootable diskette.
If multiple NICs are installed in the PC, select Select NIC on the first screen to display a
list of installed NICs. Use the arrow keys to select the NIC you want to configure and
press Enter.
4 Use the arrow keys to scroll the list and make a selection. Press Enter.
NOTE: On the Configuration screen, when you choose the Auto Select setting for
Media Type, the setting for Duplex is automatically changed to Auto Select.
Selecting Auto Select for Duplex automatically changes the Media Type setting to
Auto Select.
NOTE: Note that any configuration change you make through the Windows 2000
Advanced tab overrides the same configuration setting made through the 3Com
NIC (Windows) Diagnostic program or the 3Com DOS Diagnostic program.
5 Continue this procedure for other options. For more information on a specific option,
select the option and press F1.
NOTE: Press Esc to return to a previous screen. If a secondary window is open,
press Esc to close the window.
Configuring the Managed PC Boot Agent (MBA)
Configuring the Managed PC Boot Agent (MBA)
This section explains how to configure the Managed PC Boot Agent (MBA) boot ROM to
boot from the network.
NOTE: For detailed information on using, configuring, and troubleshooting the
MBA boot ROM, refer to the 3Com Managed PC Boot Agent User Guide, located
with the MBA software on the EtherCD.
Enabling or Disabling the Boot ROM Setting
The default NIC boot ROM setting is Disabled. This setting must be enabled to boot from
the network.
To enable or disable the NIC boot ROM setting:
1 Make sure the NIC is installed and is connected to the network and the NIC driver
is installed.
2 Open the Windows Start menu.
3 Select Programs, and then 3Com NIC Utilities.
4 Click 3Com NIC Doctor.
The 3Com NIC Diagnostics General screen appears.
5 Select the Configuration tab.
The Configuration screen appears.
6 Under Network Parameter, select NetBoot ROM.
7 Open the Set Value list box and select Enabled to enable the boot ROM or Disabled to
disable the boot ROM.
8 Click OK to save the setting and exit the program.
Booting From the Network
The boot process for the MBA boot ROM varies depending on the type of PC you have
(BBS BIOS-compatible or non-BBS BIOS-compatible).
If your PC was purchased recently, it may be BBS (BIOS Boot Specification) BIOS-
compatible. The BBS determines how the system BIOS identifies boot devices in a PC (such
as a CD-ROM drive, a hard drive, or a floppy drive), allows the user to select the boot
order of these devices, and then attempts to boot from each device in the specified order.
Refer to your PC documentation if you do not know which type of PC you have.
Configuring the NIC
BBS BIOS-Compatible PCs
To enable a BBS BIOS-compatible PC to boot from the network using the MBA boot ROM:
1 Make sure the NIC boot ROM setting is Enabled.
2 Set a MBA manually as the first boot device in the PC BIOS.
Refer to your PC documentation for instructions on accessing and configuring the
3 Reboot the PC.
The MBA attempts to boot from the network using the default boot method PXE.
To change the default boot method or any other MBA configurations, press
Ctrl+Alt+B when the following message appears:
Initializing MBA. Press Ctrl+Alt+B to configure...
If the network boot fails, the following message appears:
Network boot aborted, press any key to continue
The BIOS continues to the next device in the boot order (for example, the local hard drive).
NOTE: To cancel the network boot, press Esc anytime during the network boot process.
Non-BBS BIOS-Compatible PCs
To enable a non-BBS BIOS-compatible PC to boot from the network using the MBA boot ROM:
1 Make sure the NIC boot ROM setting is Enabled.
2 Change the MBA default boot setting from Local to Network.
To change the default boot setting or any other MBA configurations, use the
MBACFG utility or press Ctrl+Alt+B when the following message appears:
Initializing MBA. Press Ctrl+Alt+B to configure...
CAUTION: For computers running Windows 98, boot directly to DOS (using a
DOS-bootable diskette) instead of restarting in MS-DOS mode from a Windows 98
session. The MBACFG.EXE program does not work properly if you restart in
MS-DOS mode with the 3CR990-FX-97 NIC drivers loaded.
NOTE: For more information on using, configuring, and troubleshooting the MBA
boot ROM, refer to the 3Com Managed PC Boot Agent User Guide, located with
the MBA software on the EtherCD.
Disabling the 3Com Logo
Disabling the 3Com Logo
NOTE: This procedure is applicable only for Windows environments.
To disable the 3Com logo that appears during startup:
1 Make sure the NIC, the network driver, and the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program are
2 Open the Windows Start menu.
3 Select Programs, and then 3Com NIC Utilities.
4 Click 3Com NIC Doctor.
The 3Com NIC Diagnostics General screen appears.
5 On the General screen, make sure the check box next to Show 3Com Logo on Startup
is not selected.
6 Exit the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program.
Troubleshooting the NIC
This chapter describes procedures for locating problems you might have with the
3Com 100 Secure Fiber-FX (3CR990-FX-97) NIC. It explains how to:
I Interpret the NIC LEDs.
I Access 3Com support databases.
I Troubleshoot NIC installation problems.
I Troubleshoot NIC and network connection problems.
I Troubleshoot Remote Wake-Up.
I Remove the network driver.
NOTE: To access a database of technical information that can help you diagnose
and solve NIC installation, configuration, and upgrade problems, go to:
Interpreting the NIC LEDs
The 3CR990-FX-97 NICs have light-emitting diodes (LEDs), as described in the following
table, that can assist with network troubleshooting. Before the LEDs can be used for
troubleshooting, the NIC must be connected to the network and the network driver must
driver installation instructions).
100 LNK
Link integrity
Good 100BASE-FX link No link between NIC
between NIC and and network hub or
network hub or switch switch
Port traffic
Networktraffic Heavy network traffic
No traffic
Viewing the NIC LEDs in the Diagnostics Program
To view the LEDs in the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program:
1 Make sure the NIC, the network driver, and the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program are
NOTE: For instructions on using the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program, see
2 Open the Windows Start menu.
3 Select Programs, and then 3Com NIC Utilities.
4 Click 3Com NIC Doctor.
The 3Com NIC Diagnostics General screen appears and displays the following LEDs:
100 LNK — Lights if there is a valid connection between the NIC and the network.
ACT LNK — Lights if the NIC is transmitting or receiving information.
Troubleshooting the NIC
Troubleshooting Problems with the LEDs
If a Link LED indicates a problem, check the following to ensure:
1 Your network hub or switch and the cable connecting to your NIC comply with the
specifications appropriate for your network connection.
2 The hub or switch is powered on.
Accessing 3Com Support Databases
In addition to the 3Com support databases listed in this section, check the README.TXT
files in the ENGLISH, INSTALLS, and NWSERVER subdirectories and check the Help text
files located in the HELP directory on the EtherCD.
Accessing the 3Com Knowledgebase
To access a database of technical information that can help you diagnose and solve NIC
installation, configuration, and upgrade problems, go to:
Accessing the 3Com NIC Help System
To access the 3Com NIC Help system:
1 Make sure the NIC, its driver, and the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program are installed.
2 Open the Windows Start menu.
3 Select Programs, and then 3Com NIC Utilities.
4 Select 3Com NIC Doctor Help.
The main Help screen appears.
5 Click Help Topics to display a list of Help topics or click Find to search for a Help topic.
Accessing Release Notes and Frequently Asked Questions
To access release notes and frequently asked questions about the NIC:
1 Make sure the NIC, its driver, and the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program are installed.
2 Open the Windows Start menu.
3 Select Programs, and then 3Com NIC Utilities.
4 Click 3Com NIC Doctor.
The 3Com NIC Diagnostics General screen appears.
5 Click the Support tab.
The Support screen appears.
6 Click Support Databases to display customer support databases about the NIC in three
Release notes — Display tips about installing and using the NIC.
Frequently asked questions — Display common questions asked by customers and
answered by 3Com support experts.
Knowledgebase topics — Display NIC compatibility topics.
Troubleshooting the NIC Installation
Troubleshooting the NIC Installation
This section interprets error messages or problem indicators that you might see during NIC
installation. It also describes what you should do if the NIC installation fails for any reason.
Problems/Error Messages
If you encounter any of the following problems or error messages, follow the steps in
“Cleaning Up a Broken Installation” below to resolve the problem.
I A red X or a A yellow exclamation point (!) appears by the name of the NIC in the
Windows Device Manager.
I The Network Neighborhood icon does not appear on the Windows desktop.
I The NIC does not appear in the Network Configuration or Properties window.
I Error: “This device is not present, not working properly, or does not have all of the
driver installed. Code 22.”
I Error: “Windows was unable to locate a driver for this device.”
I Error: “You have selected a plug and play adapter. Please turn off your machine an
install the adapter. Then turn on your machine and reinstall.”
Cleaning Up a Broken Installation
If the network driver installation failed or was not completed properly, follow the steps
below to clean up your system and install the NIC correctly.
This procedure:
I Removes all 3CR990-FX-97 NIC drivers from your system.
I Removes the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program.
I Installs the latest network driver.
You can reinstall the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program after completing this procedure. See
1 Insert the EtherCD in the CD-ROM drive.
The EtherCD Welcome screen appears.
2 Click NIC Software.
3 Click Installation Utilities.
4 Click Undo Broken Installation and Uninstall.
You are given the option to Proceed or go Back. Before proceeding, record your
network settings so that you can refer to your notes when you reinstall the NIC.
5 Click Proceed.
The uninstall process begins. A warning message appears.
6 Click OK.
A message appears stating that all of the 3CR990-FX-97 NICs have been removed
from your system.
7 Click OK.
8 Exit the EtherCD, and then exit Windows.
9 Restart the computer.
Troubleshooting the NIC
If you are prompted for 3Com files when Windows restarts, open the drop-down box
and select the following path:
about confirming that the NIC and driver are properly installed.
After the driver has been reinstalled, reinstall the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program. See
Troubleshooting the Network Connection
If you encounter problems with using the NIC or connecting to the network, check the
table below for troubleshooting tips.
CAUTION: Before inserting or removing the NIC from the computer, turn the
computer power off and unplug the power cord.
Check the NIC
Make sure the NIC is installed correctly in a PCI slot. Check for specific
hardware installation hardware problems, such as broken traces or loose or broken solder
connections. See “Installing and Connecting the NIC” on page 14.
Check the NIC
Make that the NIC software is installed correctly in the computer.
software installation
information about confirming that the NIC and driver are properly installed.
Check the network
Inspect all cables and connections. Make sure the cable complies with
length and rating specifications described in “Installing and Connecting
Examine the cable for obvious signs of damage, wear, or crimping.
Substitute a known working cable. Check the length and rating of the
cable. Make sure that the cable complies with 100BASE-FX
Check the
computer BIOS
Make sure you are running the latest BIOS for your computer. If the BIOS has
not been upgraded in the previous 12 months, consult the computer
manufacturer to obtain the current version of the BIOS software.
Run the NIC
diagnostic tests
If the tests fail, replace the NIC with a known working NIC and run the tests
again, using the same configuration settings as those used on the failed NIC. If
the working NIC passes all tests, the original NIC is probably defective. For
information on product repair, see Appendix E, “Technical Support.”
Check the
Review the known problems and solutions found in the following areas:
3Com support
3Com Knowledgebase
3Com NIC Help system
Release Notes and Frequently Asked Questions
using these databases.
Download the latest
NIC driver
The 3Com Software Library is your World Wide Web connection to software,
drivers, and INF files for all 3Com products. Point your browser to the 3Com
Software, Drivers & INFs.
Run the Clean Up
Failed Installation
The Clean Up Failed Installation program is located on the EtherCD. See
Troubleshooting Remote Wake-Up
Troubleshooting Remote Wake-Up
If your computer does not boot in response to a Remote Wake-Up event, perform these
troubleshooting steps:
NOTE: Wake-On-Error is enabled by default.
2 Make sure you are using the latest driver for the NIC.
This driver is shipped with the NIC on the EtherCD. It can also be downloaded from the
3Com Software Library. Point your Web browser to the 3Com home page:
Under “Service and Support,” click Software, Drivers, and INFs.
3 Check the computer BIOS.
Boot the computer and enter the BIOS.
For instructions on entering the BIOS, refer to the computer documentation or
consult the computer vendor.
Locate the Wake-Up on LAN event setting.
Verify the setting is enabled.
4 If the previous steps have failed, install a known functioning Remote Wake-Up NIC in
the computer.
If Remote Wake-Up works with the new NIC installed, consult your computer vendor
for a replacement NIC.
If Remote Wake-Up does not work with the new NIC installed, there may be a
problem with the computer motherboard. Consult your computer manufacturer.
Removing the Network Driver
To remove the network driver from your computer, follow the steps for your operating system.
Windows 2000
The Windows 2000 system does not allow you to uninstall the network driver from the
Network and Dial-up Connections window. To remove the network driver:
1 Right-click the My Computer icon.
2 Select Properties on the pop-up menu.
The System Properties screen appears.
3 Select the Hardware tab.
4 Click Device Manager in the middle panel.
The Device Manager screen appears.
5 Double-click Network Adapters.
6 Right-click the name of the NIC.
7 Select Uninstall on the pop-up menu.
A warning message appears.
8 Click OK to confirm the driver removal.
The network driver is removed. The Device Manager screen appears.
Troubleshooting the NIC
9 Exit the Device Manager and shut down Windows.
To reinstall the NIC driver and software, restart the computer.
To physically remove the NIC from the computer, shut down the system, turn the
power off, and remove the NIC from the computer.
Windows NT 4.0
To remove the network driver:
1 Double-click the My Computer icon, then the Control Panel icon, and then the
Network icon.
The Network screen appears.
2 Click the Adapters tab.
3 Select the name of the NIC in the Network Adapters box, and then click Remove.
4 Click Yes to confirm the removal.
5 Click Close to close the Network screen.
You are prompted to restart the computer.
6 Depending on whether you are removing the NIC or reinstalling NIC software, do the
If you are physically removing the NIC from the computer, click No. Do not restart
the computer until you shut down the system, turn the power off, and remove the
NIC from the computer.
If you are reinstalling the NIC software, click Yes to restart the computer.
Windows 95, 98, and Me
To remove the network driver:
1 Double-click the My Computer icon, then the Control Panel icon, and then the
System icon.
2 Click the Device Manager tab.
3 Double-click Network adapters.
4 Select the name of the NIC.
5 Click Remove.
6 Click OK to confirm the device removal.
NOTE: Note that removing the network driver does not result in the removal of
the diagnostics software. See “Removing the 3Com NIC Diagnostics Program”
You are prompted to restart the computer.
If you are physically removing the NIC from the computer, click No. Do not restart the
computer until you shut down the system, turn the power off, and remove the NIC from
the computer.
If you are reinstalling the NIC software, click Yes to restart the computer.
Running NIC Diagnostics
The 3Com 100 Secure Fiber-FX (3CR990-FX-97) NIC uses two types of NIC diagnostics
programs: a Windows-based diagnostics program and a DOS-based diagnostics program.
NOTE: Before starting any diagnostics program, close all running applications.
Use the Windows-based 3Com NIC Diagnostics program if you are running any of the
following operating systems:
I Windows XP
I Windows 2000
I Windows NT 4.0
I Windows XP Professional
I Windows Me
I Windows 98
I Windows 95
Use the 3Com DOS Diagnostics program if you are running any of the following operating
I NetWare
NOTE: The following sections explain how to start both NIC diagnostics programs.
However, specific instructions are provided only for using the Windows-based
3Com NIC Diagnostics program.
This chapter explains how to:
I Run the NIC diagnostic tests.
I View the NIC LEDs in the NIC Diagnostics program.
I View network statistics.
I Use the 3Com icon in the Windows system tray.
I Remove the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program.
Running NIC Diagnostics
Running the 3Com DOS Diagnostics Program
To start the 3Com DOS diagnostics program for DOS and NetWare installations:
1 Copy 3c99xcfg.exe from the EtherCD to the root directory of a DOS-bootable diskette.
CAUTION: If you are running Japanese DOS, you must switch to U.S.-mode DOS
before running the 3Com DOS diagnostics program.
2 Boot to DOS using the DOS-bootable diskette.
3 Enter the following at the DOS prompt:
where a:\ is the drive containing the DOS-bootable diskette.
For more information about the 3Com DOS Diagnostics program to configure the NIC,
Running the NIC Diagnostics Tests
The 3Com NIC Diagnostics program for Windows contains tests that can check the status
of the following items:
I Network
To run the NIC Test or Network Test:
1 Make sure the NIC, the network driver, and the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program are
2 Open the Windows Start menu.
3 Select Programs, and then 3Com NIC Utilities.
4 Click 3Com NIC Doctor.
The 3Com NIC Diagnostics screen appears.
NOTE: Click Help to obtain general information about the function of a screen.
To obtain specific information about any topic on a screen, click the question mark
(?) in the upper right corner of the screen, move it over a topic, and click once.
Running the NIC Diagnostics Tests
The following tabs are available for viewing NIC data:
Select the General tab to display the node address, I/O address, and device ID for
the installed NIC.
Select the Configuration tab to view and modify configuration settings for the
installed NIC.
Select the Statistics tab to view network traffic statistics about the installed NIC.
Select the Diagnostics tab to access diagnostics tests you can run on the installed
Select the Support tab to access various 3Com customer support resources.
Select the Utilities tab to:
- Update firmware for the installed NIC.
- Perform an encryption loopback test (to test the encryption chip).
- Test the SMBus on the system.
5 Select the Diagnostics tab.
The Diagnostics screen appears.
Running the Network Test
Run the Network Test to check the NIC connectivity to the network.
To successfully pass the Network Connectivity test, at least one of the following conditions
must be met:
I A Windows client running on the same network. This client must have a successfully
installed Windows diagnostics program is currently not running.
I A NetWare server running on the same network.
I A DHCP server running on the same network.
A DNS server running on the same network with TCP/IP properties configured for the
DNS server.
To run the Network test:
1 On the Diagnostics screen, click Run Network Test.
The Network Connectivity Test screen appears.
2 Click Start.
If the test passes, the NIC connection to the network is functioning correctly.
3 Click Close.
If the test fails, make sure the:
NIC is properly connected to the network cable.
Hub or switch to which the NIC is connected is powered on.
Cable complies with the proper length and specifications for your network.
Running NIC Diagnostics
Running the NIC Test
Run the NIC Test to check the physical components, connectors, and circuitry on the NIC.
1 On the Diagnostics screen, click Run NIC Test.
The NIC Test screen appears.
2 Click Perform NIC Test.
While the test is running, a progress bar indicates test progress.
If the test passes, the NIC is functioning correctly.
If the test fails, a message indicates the error type. Click Help in the error message
screen to obtain more information.
3 Click Close.
Viewing the NIC LEDs in the 3Com Diagnostics Program
To view the LEDs in the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program:
1 Make sure the NIC, the network driver, and the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program
are installed.
2 Open the Windows Start menu.
3 Select Programs, and then 3Com NIC Utilities.
4 Click 3Com NIC Doctor.
The 3Com NIC Diagnostics General screen appears and displays the following LEDs:
100 LNK — Lights if there is a valid connection between the NIC and the network.
ACT LNK — Lights if the NIC is transmitting or receiving information.
Viewing Network Statistics
To view statistical information about the network:
1 Make sure the NIC, the network driver, and the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program
are installed.
2 Open the Windows Start menu.
3 Select Programs, and then 3Com NIC Utilities.
4 Click 3Com NIC Doctor.
The 3Com NIC Diagnostics General screen appears.
5 Click the Statistics tab.
The Statistics screen appears, providing numerical data for a variety of network
events, such as: packets transmitted, bytes transmitted, late collisions, and so forth.
The information is updated by the NIC driver every five seconds.
For a description of each statistic, click the question mark (?) in the upper right corner
of the screen, drag it over a statistic and click once. A pop-up box appears, displaying
information about the statistic.
6 Click OK to exit the diagnostics program. To go to another diagnostics screen, click
the appropriate tab.
Using the 3Com Icon in the Windows System Tray
Using the 3Com Icon in the Windows System Tray
The 3Com icon, which can be enabled to appear in the Windows system tray, allows you
to start the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program. It also allows you to view the NIC’s link speed
and number of frames sent and received.
Enabling the Icon
To display the 3Com icon in the Windows system tray:
1 Make sure the NIC, the network driver, and the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program
are installed.
2 Open the Windows Start menu.
3 Select Programs, and then 3Com NIC Utilities.
4 Click 3Com NIC Doctor.
The 3Com NIC Diagnostics General screen appears.
5 On the General screen, select the check box next to Show Icon in System Tray.
6 Close the 3Com NIC Diagnostic program.
The NIC icon appears in the Windows system tray.
When you double-click the icon, the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program starts.
Displaying Network Statistics
When you drag the mouse pointer over the icon (but do not double-click the icon) a
network statistics box appears, displaying the following information:
Frames Sent and Received—A count of the number of frames (packets) sent and
received through the NIC since the last time statistics were reset.
Link Speed—The speed (100 Mbps) at which the NIC is connected to the network.
The information is updated each time you move your mouse pointer over the 3Com icon.
Removing the 3Com NIC Diagnostics Program
The 3Com NIC Diagnostics Program can be removed using the Add/Remove Programs
Wizard in Windows, or by using the EtherCD.
For instructions on using the Add/Remove Programs Wizard in Windows, refer to your
Windows documentation.
To remove the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program using the EtherCD:
1 Start Windows.
2 Insert the EtherCD in the CD-ROM drive.
The EtherCD Welcome screen appears.
3 Click NIC Software.
4 Click NIC Drivers and Diagnostics.
5 Click Installation Utilities.
6 Click Remove Diagnostics.
7 Click Proceed, and then follow the prompts on the screen.
Specifications and
Cabling Requirements
This appendix lists the specifications, standards conformance, and cable requirements for
the 3Com 100 Secure Fiber-FX (3CR990-FX-97) NIC.
3CR990-FX-97 NIC Specifications
The following table provides environmental, interface, and standards information for the
3Com 100 Secure Fiber-FX (3CR990-FX-97) NIC.
128 KB external RAM
Bus interface
PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2
32-bit bus
PCI master
Supports bus master scatter-gather DMAs.
Length: 13.65 cm (5.375 in)
Height: 8.41 cm (3.31 in)
Power requirement
+5 V 5% operating 1.26A maximum for normal operation (375
mA for low power mode)
Network Interface
100 Mbps Ethernet
Ethernet IEEE 802.3 industry standard for a 100 Mbps fiber local
area network
Operating temperature
Storage temperature
Operating humidity
Storage humidity
32˚ to 158˚ F (0˚ to 70˚ C)
–22˚ to 194˚ F (–30˚ to 90˚ C)
10 to 90% noncondensing
10 to 90% noncondensing
–300 to 3,000 m (–984 ft to 9,840 ft)
Standards Conformance
IEEE 802.3 100BASE-FX
IEEE 802.3x full-duplex and flow control
IEEE 802.1p (General Attribute Registration protocol) for multicast addresses
IEEE 802.1Q VLAN Tagging
Specifications and Cabling Requirements
Standards Conformance
Microsoft PC97
Microsoft PC98
Microsoft PC99
PCI 2.1 and 2.2
DMI 1.0 and 2.0
ACPI 1.0
SMBus 2.2
Cabling Requirements
The cable, quality, distance, and connectors must comply with the
Electronic Industries Association/Telecommunications Industries Association (EIA/TIA) 568
Commercial Building Wiring Standard and the Technical Services Bulletin TSB38 standards.
Network connection criteria are shown below:
Long-wavelength fiber-optic (1300 nm):
50 µ/125 µ multimode fiber
62.5 µ/125 µ multimode fiber
Network cable connector:
Maximum Network Segment:
50 µ/125 µ multimode fiber
Full-duplex: 2,000 m (6,560 ft)
Half-duplex: 412 m (1,351 ft)
62.5 µ/125 µ multimode fiber
Full-duplex: 2,000 m (6,560 ft)
Half-duplex: 412 m (1,351 ft)
100 Mbps
Media Type:
Installing the 3Com DMI Agent
This appendix explains how to install the 3Com Desktop Management Interface (DMI)
Agent on your PC. The 3Com DMI Agent allows any DMI-compatible browser or network
management application that supports DMI 2.0 to remotely manage and configure
advanced features of a 3CR990-FX-97 NIC.
NOTE: For detailed information about the 3Com DMI Agent, refer to the 3Com
DMI Agent User Guide included with the DMI Agent software on the EtherCD.
About the 3Com DMI Agent
The 3Com DMI Agent allows you to obtain basic NIC information, including:
I Node address
I MAC address
I Driver version
Additionally, depending on the features of your NIC, the 3Com DMI Agent allows you to
view and configure advanced NIC features, including:
I Managed PC Boot Agent (MBA) software
I Remote Wake-Up events
I Workgroup keep-alive packet
Each PC that contains a 3CR990-FX-97 NIC and the 3Com DMI Agent generates a
Management Information Format (MIF) file that contains information about the PC and
the NIC. DMI applications use the information from the MIF to manage the PC and
the NIC.
The content of the MIF is based on the capabilities of the NIC driver found in the PC. For
example, if a NIC with an MBA boot ROM is found, all groups related to the boot ROM
are included in the MIF for that particular NIC. This feature ensures that the network
management application does not receive irrelevant information for the NIC.
For a description of each MIF supported by the 3Com DMI Agent, refer to the 3Com DMI
Agent User Guide included with the 3Com DMI Agent software on the EtherCD.
Installing the 3Com DMI Agent
System Requirements
This section lists the client PC and network management requirements for installing and
using the 3Com DMI Agent.
Client PC Requirements
Your PC requires the following items to use the 3Com DMI Agent:
I DMI Service Provider 2.0 or greater (such as Smart Technologies Service Provider 2.0)
I NDIS 3, 4, or 5 driver
I Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Me, Windows 98, or
Windows 95 using the appropriate Service Pack as shown in the following list:
Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4
Windows 98 Retail Release
Windows 95 Retail Service Pack 1 or OEM Service Release (OSR2)
Network Management Requirements
The 3Com DMI Agent InstallShield Wizard checks for the presence of a DMI service
provider on the computer you are configuring as a network management station.
The network management station requires a DMI-compatible browser or a network
management application that supports DMI 2.0, such as:
I Hewlett Packard TopTools
I Tivoli Management Suite
I Dell OpenManage
I Compaq Insight Manager Management Station
I Intel LANDesk Client Manager
Installing the 3Com DMI Agent
This section describes how to install the 3Com DMI Agent on a PC running Windows XP,
Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Me, Windows 98, or Windows 95.
NOTE: Before installing the DMI Agent, log on to the PC with an account that has
system administration privileges.
To install the 3Com DMI Agent:
2 Make sure the 3CR990-FX-97 NIC is installed in the PC and is connected to
the network.
3 Insert the EtherCD in the CD-ROM drive.
The EtherCD Welcome screen appears.
4 Click NIC Software.
Installing the 3Com DMI Agent
5 Click Install 3Com DMI Agent Now.
The 3Com DMI Agent setup program prepares the InstallShield Wizard, which allows
you to:
View the latest README.TXT file
Copy the 3Com DMI Agent User Guide to your computer hard drive.
NOTE: The 3Com DMI Agent User Guide is in Microsoft Word format. If you do
not currently have access to Microsoft Word, you can download a free version of
the Microsoft Word reader from the Microsoft Web site.
Install the 3Com DMI Agent software
6 Follow the prompts on the screen.
To verify successful installation, use a DMI-compatible browser or a network
management application that supports DMI 2.0 or 2.0s to verify the 3Com NIC
is present.
Refer to the 3Com DMI Agent User Guide or consult your system administrator for
EtherCD Content and Navigation
This appendix provides information about EtherCD content and navigation.
If auto insert is enabled for your CD-ROM drive, the 3Com Welcome screen is displayed
when you insert the EtherCD in your CD-ROM drive.
If the Welcome screen is not displayed when you insert the EtherCD in your CD-ROM
drive, you can:
The following table describes the navigation links available on the Welcome screen:
User Guide
Prints a PDF version of the user guide.
Copies a PDF version of the user guide to your computer hard drive.
Installs and configures the NIC in supported Windows operating systems.
NIC Software
Creates installation diskettes to install the NIC software in a PC that does not
have a CD-ROM drive installed.
Other Software
Installs Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 4.0 for English or version 3.0 for
Register Product
Release Notes
Registers your NIC product online.
Describes the features of 3CR990-FX-97 NICs, includes frequently asked
questions and known problems.
EtherCD Content and Navigation
Root Subdirectories List
The following table lists and describes the root subdirectories included on the EtherCD
that shipped with this product.
Files specific to the English language. Other language subdirectories contain files
specific to those languages. This subdirectory contains copies of Adobe Acrobat
Reader (4.0 or 3.0), 3Com Desktop Management Interface (DMI) Agent
installation files, the Disk Copy utility with 3Com EtherCD diskette images, and the
PDF version of the user guide.
Installation and configuration files, basic troubleshooting, support information,
and system resource information.
Images for 3Com DynamicAccess Advanced Server features, MBA, and 3Com
EtherDisk diskettes.
The DOS NDIS 2.x driver.
A server driver, LDI import file, and appropriate NLMs for loading into a NetWare
4.x, 5.x, or 6.x computer.
Enabling Auto Insert
If auto insert is not enabled for your CD-ROM drive, the EtherCD Welcome screen is not
displayed when you insert the EtherCD in your CD-ROM drive. To enable auto insert on
your (Windows 9x) CD-ROM drive:
1 Right-click the My Computer icon, and then select Properties.
2 Select the Device Manager tab.
3 Click the + symbol next to CD-ROM in the list.
4 Select the name of your CD-ROM drive.
5 Click Properties, and then select the Settings tab.
6 Select the check box for Auto insert notification.
To view the Welcome screen on the CD navigator with auto insert enabled, reinsert the
CD in the CD-ROM drive.
Text Files List
Text Files List
The following table lists the text files included in the Help directory on the 3Com EtherCD.
File Name
File Description
Contains NetWare 4.x on Windows 95/98 client driver installation notes.
Includes the 3CR990-FX-97 NIC software license agreement.
Explains how to install the ODI driver for NetWare 4.x, 5.x, and 6.x. You can also
get NetWare installation instructions from README text files located in the
following directories:
\nwserver\readme.txt (client)
\nwserver\readme_se.txt (server)
\english\diskcopy\disk2\nwserver\readme.txt (client)
\english\diskcopy\disk2\nwserver\readme_se.txt (server)
Explains how to install the driver for a 16-bit NetWare client running DOS.
Explains why and how to register your NIC.
Contains information about technical assistance services available from 3Com.
Contains troubleshooting tips.
Explains how to perform an automated installation of Windows NT 4.0 over the
network (unattended installation).
Explains how to perform an automated installation of Windows 98 over the
network (unattended installation).
Provides instructions specific to Windows 95 for first-time installations, updating
drivers, removing the NIC driver and EtherCD software, troubleshooting
installation problems, and a peer-to-peer networking overview.
Explains how to install the Windows 95 driver to support the Microsoft client for
NetWare networks.
Contains common questions and answers about Remote Wake-Up.
Explains how to install the NIC, verify a successful installation, uninstall the NIC
software, and update the driver.
Explains how to install the NIC, verify a successful installation, uninstall the NIC
software, and update the driver.
Provides installation instructions and troubleshooting tips for installing drivers in
Windows NT 4.0.
In addition to the Help directory, you can find general installation information and the
latest release notes in the \INSTALLS\README.TXT file (or on EtherDisk 1, if you install
from diskettes.)
Installing a 3Com NIC
While Installing the NOS
Follow these instructions to install 3Com software while you are installing the network
operating system. (This procedure is often called “performing a fresh installation.”)
Windows Fresh Installation
For installation requirements, see “Installation Requirements” on page 10.
To display the Help system during the driver installation, click Help on any 3Com window.
Windows NT
For instructions, see the WINNT.TXT file in the HELP directory on the EtherCD.
Windows 2000
During the Windows 2000 installation, the Hardware Wizard detects installed NICs and
installs drivers it finds for them from the Windows 2000 CD. If you want to install the
latest software from the EtherCD after you finish installing Windows 2000, restart the
server and follow the instructions for Windows in “Updating the Network Driver and NIC
NetWare Fresh Installation
These instructions apply to NetWare versions 4.x, 5.x., and 6.x.
Installation Instructions
These instructions are intended for installing from the 3Com EtherCD. If you download
3Com software from the Web and make installation diskettes to use for the installation,
the steps are slightly different (you do not need to remove and replace the NetWare CD).
1 Install the NIC hardware and connect it to the network.
2 Start the installation and proceed as usual until you reach the Device Types screen.
3 In the Device Types screen:
Locate the Network Boards field, and notice there are no NICs listed. From the
Options menu, select Modify.
4 In the next screen, select Network Boards and press Enter.
5 Press Insert (Add a Board).
6 Press Insert (Add Unlisted Driver).
7 Remove the NetWare CD from the CD-ROM drive.
8 Insert the 3Com EtherCD in the CD-ROM drive.
9 Press F3.
Installing a 3Com NIC While Installing the NOS
10 Enter the location of the driver on the 3Com EtherCD. For example:
11 In the Driver Summary screen, select 3C99X.LAN and press Enter.
Edit parameters as necessary.
12 From the Additional Driver Options menu, select Return to Driver Summary.
13 Remove the EtherCD from the CD-ROM drive.
14 Insert the NetWare CD in the CD-ROM drive.
15 From the Options menu, select Continue.
The installation continues.
In NetWare 5.x and 6.x, the Configure Server Properties windows appear. Locate the
Network Boards list in the Protocols window. The installed NICs are listed in this
window. Select each installed NIC and configure its protocols. Proceed with the
installation, and reboot when you are prompted to do so.
16 When the installation is finished, edit the STARTUP.NCF file.
Specify receive buffers for each installed NIC.
Technical Support
3Com provides easy access to technical support information through a variety of services.
This appendix describes these services.
Information contained in this appendix is correct at time of publication. For the most
recent information, 3Com recommends that you access the 3Com Corporation World
Wide Web site.
Online Technical Services
3Com offers worldwide product support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, through the
following online systems:
I World Wide Web site
I 3Com Knowledgebase Web Services
I 3Com FTP site
World Wide Web Site
To access the latest networking information on the 3Com Corporation World Wide Web
site, enter this URL into your Internet browser:
This service provides access to online support information, such as technical documentation
and a software library, as well as support options that range from technical education to
maintenance and professional services.
3Com Knowledgebase Web Services
The 3Com Knowledgebase is a database of technical information to help you install,
upgrade, configure, or support 3Com products. The Knowledgebase is updated daily with
technical information discovered by 3Com technical support engineers. This
complimentary service, which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to 3Com
customers and partners, is located on the 3Com Corporation World Wide Web site at:
3Com FTP Site
Download drivers, patches, software, and MIBs across the Internet from the 3Com public
FTP site. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
To connect to the 3Com FTP site, enter the following information into your FTP client:
I Hostname:
I Username: anonymous
I Password: <your Internet e-mail address>
NOTE: With Web browser software, such as Netscape Navigator and
Internet Explorer, you do not need a user name and password.
Technical Support
Support from Your Network Supplier
If you require additional assistance, consult your network supplier. Many suppliers are
authorized 3Com service partners who are qualified to provide a variety of services,
including network planning, installation, hardware maintenance, application training, and
support services.
When you consult your network supplier, have the following information ready:
I Product model name, part number, and serial number
I A list of system hardware and software, including revision levels
I Diagnostic error messages
I Details about recent configuration changes, if applicable
If you are unable to consult your network supplier, see the following section on how to
contact 3Com.
Support from 3Com
If you are unable to obtain assistance from the 3Com online technical resources or from
your network supplier, 3Com offers technical telephone support services. To find out more
about your support options, go to the Web site associated with your region of the world
shown below.
URL for Regional Web Site
Asia and the Pacific Rim
Africa, Europe, and the
Middle East
Latin America
(Also, you can telephone 800.998.2112.)
North America
(Also, you can telephone 1.800.527.8677.)
When you contact 3Com for assistance, have the following information ready:
I Product model name, part number, and serial number
I A list of system hardware and software, including revision levels
I Diagnostic error messages
I Details about recent configuration changes, if applicable
Returning Products for Repair
Before you send a product directly to 3Com for repair, you must first obtain an
authorization number. Products sent to 3Com without authorization numbers will be
returned to the sender unopened, at the sender’s expense. To obtain an authorization
number, go to the Web site listed above for your region.
3Com Configuration and Diagnostics
3Com DMI Agent
Desktop Management Interface (DMI),
DOS 48
starting 27
network management
3Com icon, in Windows system tray
3Com Knowledgebase Web
3Com NIC Diagnostics program
checksum offload (TCP/IP), enabling for
configuration parameters
DMI (Desktop Management Interface),
3Com Configuration and
configuration program, changing
changing 45
3CR990-FX-97 NIC
enabling driver warning and error
messages 45
driver installation requirements
enabling TCP/IP checksum
offload 45
monitoring levels for self-healing
Windows 2000
installing 19
removing 59
Windows 95
Activity LED
changing to install the NetWare 3.12
installing 24
Windows XP Professional,
duplex mode
changing to support multiple
memory requirements
messages, sending to NetWare
Microsoft Systems Management
encryption (3CR990-FX-97 NIC)
installing drivers
encryption (Windows 2000)
multiple NICs
error messages, sending to NetWare
exclamation point (!) (yellow) in
NetBoot ROM
changing settings using DOS
correlating slot numbers and physical
fresh install
accessing through diagnostics
verifying driver installation and
HP OpenView Network Node
testing 63
link LED
troubleshooting 58
configuration parameters, NetWare
creating 11
obtaining 11
fresh install
Managed PC Boot Agent (MBA)
media type
NetWare 77
tab 63
driver installation
NetWare 40, 77
Windows 17, 77
RMCP (Remote Control and
self-healing drivers (SHDs)
configuring for a group of different
enabling TCP/IP checksum for
3Com NIC Diagnostics program,
Windows network drivers,
warning messages, sending to NetWare
Windows 2000
system requirements
driver 19
Windows 95
driver 24
Windows 98
TCP/IP checksum offload, enabling for
Remote Wake-Up
driver 23
Windows Me
technical support
3Com Knowledgebase Web
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Regulatory Compliance
FCC Class B Statement
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1 This device may not cause harmful interference, and
2 This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
WARNING: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules, and the Canadian Department of Communications Equipment Standards
entitled, “Digital Apparatus,” ICES-003.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against
harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to
radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by
one or more of the following measures:
I Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
I Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
I Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from the one which the receiver is connected to.
I Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
The user may find the following booklet prepared by the Federal Communications Commission helpful:
The Interference Handbook
This booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Stock No. 004-000-00345-4.
NOTE: In order to maintain compliance with the limits of a Class B digital device, 3Com requires that you use
quality interface cables when connecting to this device. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by
3Com could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment. Refer to the manual for specifications on
cabling types.
Regulatory Compliance Information
FCC Declaration of Conformity
We declare under our sole responsibility that the
3Com 100 Secure Fiber-FX Network Interface Card
Client PCI NIC for 3DES (168-bit) encryption and DES (56-bit) encryption
to which this declaration relates, is in conformity with the following standards or other normative documents:
I ANSI C63.4-1992 Methods of Measurement
I Federal Communications Commission 47 CFR Part 15, subpart B
15.107 (e) Class B Conducted Limits
15.109 (g) Class B Radiated Emissions Limits
3Com Corporation, 5400 Bayfront Plaza, P.O. Box 58145, Santa Clara, CA 95052-8145
(408) 326-5000
Industry Canada Class B Emission Compliance Statement
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Avis de Conformité à la Réglementation d’Industrie Canada
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conform à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
VCCI Class B Statement
This is a Class B product based on the standard of the Voluntary Control Council for Interference
from Information Technology Equipment (VCCI). If this is used near a radio or television receiver in a domestic
environment, it may cause radio interference. Install and use the equipment according to the instruction manual.
MIC Notice (Republic of Korea only)
B Class Device
Please note this device has been approved for non-business purposes and may be used in any environment,
including residential areas.
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